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院長ブログトップ > The Mysteries of Syringoma: Understanding Its Nature and the Innovative Treatment “Agnes”

The Mysteries of Syringoma: Understanding Its Nature and the Innovative Treatment “Agnes”

Have you ever noticed tiny bumps around your eyes? They aren’t pimples. While they might look like acne at first glance, they don’t pop when touched. Attempting to cover them with makeup can even make them stand out more. Many may have been told by doctors that “treatment is difficult.” These are likely syringomas. While we’ve discussed them in a previous blog“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ①Could it be Syringoma?”, this post introduces a new treatment method for facial bumps (like syringoma, milia, eccrine hidrocystomas, and sebaceous hyperplasia) named “Agnes.”


What Exactly is Syringoma?

Syringomas are benign skin changes, small wart-like growths, caused by the excessive proliferation of eccrine sweat gland cells. They don’t cause pain or itching, and they won’t worsen over time. However, once they appear, they seldom disappear naturally. While they predominantly appear around the eyes, they can manifest on other parts of the body as well. This condition, more common in women, might have a genetic component, but the exact cause remains unknown.


Concerns with Syringoma

Many mistake syringomas for acne or wrinkles when they first appear. Thinking they’ll go away if popped like a pimple, some might attempt self-treatment, which can exacerbate the problem. Some can grow up to 5mm in size, becoming difficult to conceal with makeup. Understandably, many are concerned about their appearance.


The True Nature of the Bumps Commonly Found Around the Face and Eyes

Common bumps that often appear on the face and around the eyes include syringomas, milia, eccrine hidrocystomas, and sebaceous hyperplasia. Below are simple ways to differentiate these bumps:


Appearance: Small, flat, flesh-colored bumps that are 1-3 millimeters in size.

Characteristics: Uniform color with a smooth surface.

Location: Usually on the lower eyelids and cheeks.


Appearance: Small, hard bumps that are white or yellowish and are 1-2 millimeters in size.

Characteristics: Hardness similar to keloids and a pearl-like appearance.

Location: All over the face, especially around the eyes.

③Eccrine Hidrocystomas

Appearance: Small cystic lesions containing clear or pale blue fluid.

Characteristics: They may enlarge in hot weather or humid conditions.

Location: Primarily on the face, especially around the eyes.

④Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Appearance: Soft, shiny bumps that are flesh-colored to slightly yellowish.

Characteristics: The central part often appears indented.

Location: On the face, especially on the forehead and cheeks.


The Revolutionary “Agnes” Treatment Features

Conventionally, carbon dioxide lasers were used to treat syringomas, milia, eccrine hidrocystomas, and sebaceous hyperplasia. However, these lasers come with a longer recovery time and a risk of scarring. Enter the new treatment method, “Agnes”:

RF Energy: Agnes is a device capable of precisely delivering RF (radiofrequency) energy to specific skin depths. This energy can selectively cause thermal injuries to targeted tissues or sebaceous glands, causing them to coagulate and disintegrate.

Selective Treatment: As Agnes targets specific tissues, it can treat without damaging surrounding healthy skin.

Effective Results: For syringoma treatment, ultra-fine needles deliver RF energy directly to the tissue, destroying it. This can reduce the size and number of syringomas.

Minimal Downtime: Using ultra-fine needles causes minimal skin damage. The pinprick heals quickly, with almost no post-treatment downtime. However, redness, swelling, and minor scabs may persist for a few days.

Prevention of Recurrence: Treatment with Agnes has a lower recurrence rate as it can effectively destroy the targeted tissue.

Safety: When operated correctly, Agnes is considered highly safe. However, it’s crucial that it’s operated by trained medical professionals.

Versatility: Agnes is not only effective for syringomas but also for milia, eccrine hidrocystomas, and sebaceous hyperplasia. Hence, it’s possible to address multiple facial bumps in one treatment session.


Procedure of Agnes Treatment for Syringoma

①Topical Anesthesia: Apply an anesthetic cream and leave it on for about 30 minutes.

②Remove any excess anesthesia and disinfect the treatment area.

③Use ultra-fine needles to access the affected area directly and treat with RF.

④After the treatment, apply an anti-inflammatory ointment for several days.


Post-Treatment Changes and Care

After treatment, the surrounding tissue might swell, making the syringoma more prominent temporarily. However, they will gradually decrease in size, with noticeable shrinkage in 2-3 months. Use gentle face cleansers for a few days post-treatment and avoid skincare products with alcohol. Makeup application is possible from the next day. Notably, side effects from this treatment are minimal. Any swelling or redness is temporary and fades quickly.


Frequency and Progress of Agnes Treatments

While syringomas and facial bumps will certainly reduce in size with Agnes treatment, they might not disappear entirely in one session. These bumps will gradually reduce with each session. While smaller ones might satisfy patients after one session, we generally recommend around three treatments spaced 2-3 months apart.


Before and After Photos of Syringoma Treatment with Agnes


The above photo shows syringomas before treatment.


The above photo shows syringomas after treatment.


Other Common Questions Answered!

Can syringomas be treated with traditional Chinese medicine or topical creams?

→ They generally aren’t effective.

What’s the surprise effect of Agnes treatment?

→ It’s also effective for treating fine wrinkles! It tightens the skin, making it effective for wrinkles around the eyes.


Feedback after Receiving Agnes Treatment

This is feedback from the patient in the aforementioned before-and-after photos:

①What prompted you to get the Agnes treatment and what were your concerns before the procedure?

→”Bumps on my forehead and under my eyes.”

②Why did you choose this clinic?

→”I found it on the internet.”

③Tell us about the consultation and the information you received before the Agnes treatment. How did you feel about it?

→”It was easy to understand, which made me want to undergo the procedure.”

④Tell us about the Agnes procedure – its content, the pain, the duration, etc.

→”It was more painful than I thought. The procedure was quick.”

⑤Describe your experience from arrival at the clinic to after the procedure.

→”It was over in a flash.”

⑥How did you recover after the Agnes treatment?

→”It became red and looked like a wound, but it mostly settled down in about a week.”

⑦Tell us about the aftercare following the Agnes treatment and your thoughts on it.

→”There wasn’t any.”

⑧Share your thoughts on the results of the Agnes treatment (satisfaction, what you liked, etc.).

→”I can clearly see the improvement and I’m satisfied.”

⑨Any message for the clinic staff, or for the readers of this report?

→”All the staff were beautiful, which was surprising. If I can afford it, I’d like to get the treatment again.”



The Agnes treatment can be a game-changer for those struggling with syringomas and other facial bumps (like milia, eccrine hidrocystomas, and sebaceous hyperplasia). Compared to traditional treatments, Agnes offers shorter recovery times and minimal side effects. If considering treatment, we advise seeking an accurate diagnosis from an experienced physician and choosing the most appropriate treatment method.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


【Related Articles】

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ①Could it be Syringoma?”

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ②Could it beMilia?”

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ③Could it be Eccrine Hidrocystoma?”

Bumps on the face: What are these? Could it be Sebaceous Gland Hyperplasia?

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院長ブログトップ > “Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ①Could it be Syringoma?”

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ①Could it be Syringoma?”

There are various conditions that can cause small bumps around the eyes. Among them, syringoma is known as a benign skin tumor and is especially common in women. In this article, we will delve into the causes, characteristics, and the latest treatment options for syringoma. It’s important to note that syringoma and Eccrine Poroma are entirely different conditions.


The above photo is of syringoma.

Causes and Characteristics of Syringoma Syringoma is a benign skin tumor originating from eccrine sweat glands. The exact cause and mechanism of syringoma’s occurrence are not fully understood. It typically manifests as numerous small flesh-colored bumps on the lower cheek or upper eyelid. It is more common in women and particularly appears around the eyes.

Reasons for Syringoma’s Prevalence Around the Eyes

①Sweat gland distribution: The area around the eyes has a high concentration of eccrine sweat glands. Since syringoma arises from these glands, it tends to occur frequently around this area.

②Skin thinness: The skin around the eyes is thinner compared to other parts of the body. This means even minute changes or small tumors like syringoma are more noticeable.

Relationship Between Syringoma and Hormones

While the exact cause of syringoma is still unknown, fluctuations in female hormones might play a role. There have been reports of syringoma cases during times of significant hormonal changes, such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Some studies suggest that estrogen, a female hormone, may influence eccrine sweat glands, possibly promoting the development of syringoma.

Distinguishing Syringoma from Eccrine Hidrocystoma, Milia, and Sebaceous Hyperplasia Syringoma can be easily confused with eccrine hidrocystoma, milia, and sebaceous hyperplasia, all of which can appear as grainy skin bumps around the eyes. However, a specialist can distinguish them based on the following differences:

Color and Shape: Syringoma appears as semi-transparent, flesh-colored bumps, while eccrine hidrocystoma has a clear or bluish tint. Milia are hard white or flesh-colored nodules, and sebaceous hyperplasia manifests as yellowish or flesh-colored papules.

Texture: Syringoma is firm to the touch, eccrine hidrocystoma is soft and mobile, and milia are hard.

eccrine hidrocystoma

The above photo is of eccrine hidrocystoma.


The above photo is of milia.

sebaceous hyperplasia

The above photo is of sebaceous hyperplasia.

Treatment for Syringoma While syringomas are benign and typically don’t require treatment, some might seek remedies due to cosmetic concerns.

□Electrocautery: A method that uses a small electrical current to burn and remove the tumor.

□Laser treatment: Using CO2 or Erbium lasers to evaporate syringoma.

□Surgical excision: Directly removing the tumor surgically.

□Peeling: Using TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) for a light skin peel to reduce the tumor.

Latest Treatment: Agnes Treatment

The Agnes Radiofrequency (RF) treatment is gaining popularity. This device can precisely deliver RF energy to specific skin depths, selectively causing thermal injury to syringoma tissues, leading to coagulation and destruction. The downtime is relatively short, and its effects are considered long-lasting.


While syringoma is a benign skin tumor and poses a low health risk, many might be self-conscious about its appearance. By selecting the most appropriate treatment method, such as the Agnes treatment, one can effectively address syringoma and lead a more confident life.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


【Related Articles】

The Mysteries of Syringoma: Understanding Its Nature and the Innovative Treatment “Agnes”

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ②Could it beMilia?”

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ③Could it be Eccrine Hidrocystoma?”

Bumps on the face: What are these? Could it be Sebaceous Gland Hyperplasia?

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院長ブログトップ > Is there an odor from your butt crease? It might be “buttock osmidrosis.”

Is there an odor from your butt crease? It might be “buttock osmidrosis.”

Have you recently noticed an unpleasant smell emanating from the crease of your buttocks? This issue, more common than you might think, is called “Butt Odor.” Just as ” Axillary Osmidrosis” refers to the odor coming from the armpits, “Butt Odor” pertains to a distinct smell from the anal area extending to the butt crease. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the causes and solutions for Butt Odor.


What is Butt Odor?

Butt Odor is essentially the “butt version” of armpit odor, indicating a phenomenon where a unique odor emits from the area around the anus. It’s sometimes referred to as ” buttock osmidrosis “. Many people might be unknowingly struggling with this condition.


The Causes of Butt Odor

The primary cause stems from the secretion of the apocrine sweat glands. These glands are predominantly found in areas like the armpits, areola, genital region, and specific parts of the buttocks. The secretion from these glands, when mixed with skin bacteria, results in the distinctive odor.


Symptoms of Butt Odor

□ Strong odor from the butt region

□ Noticeable dampness or sweat

□ Transference of odor to underwear or clothing


Extent of Butt Odor

Apocrine sweat glands are predominantly located between the genitals and the anus. They can also be distributed from around the anus, extending towards the back until where the buttock crease ends.


Practical Measures

① Maintain cleanliness: Keeping the buttocks clean is the most basic measure. During showers, ensure thorough washing, and routinely prevent the buildup of sweat and bacteria.

② Antiperspirant & Deodorants: Over-the-counter antiperspirants and deodorants made for armpit odor can also be effective against Butt Odor.

③ Medical Treatment: For a more comprehensive solution, consider medical treatments. Procedures like Botox injections or specific treatments can suppress the activity of the sweat glands responsible for the odor, significantly reducing the smell.



Many individuals might encounter Butt Odor, making it crucial to understand its presence and symptoms. Adopting the right preventive measures is essential. If the issue persists, it’s advisable to consult with a specialist.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


【Related Articles】

Understanding the Odor of the Vagina and Its Surroundings: A Medical Perspective

Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?

The Truth and Benefits of the Trending “ViewHot” Treatment for Intimate Odor

An Unusual Odor from the Areola: It Could Be a Sign of Mammary Osmidrosis…



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院長ブログトップ > An Unusual Odor from the Areola: It Could Be a Sign of Mammary Osmidrosis…

An Unusual Odor from the Areola: It Could Be a Sign of Mammary Osmidrosis…

Have you, as a woman, ever noticed a peculiar scent emanating from your chest during your daily routines? It’s not the familiar underarm smell, but something slightly different from the chest area. If you’re feeling this subtle discomfort, it might be due to a condition called “Mammary Osmidrosis” or, colloquially, “Chichiga” in Japanese. This odor originates from the secretions of the apocrine sweat glands located primarily in the areolar region. Let’s dive deeper into this topic.

What is Mammary Osmidrosis (Chichiga)?

Definition: Mammary Osmidrosis, or “Chichiga,” refers to the specific odor from the areola. This scent is produced when the secretions from the apocrine sweat glands in the areola react with bacteria on the skin.

About Apocrine Sweat Glands: The human body primarily has two types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. While the eccrine glands produce clear, odorless sweat, the apocrine glands secrete lipid-rich sweat, which easily reacts with bacteria, causing odor. These apocrine glands are concentrated in specific areas like the armpits, areolas, and genital regions.

What Causes Chichiga?

□Hormonal Balance: Changes in hormonal levels, especially during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause—periods when hormonal influences are prominent—can trigger the symptoms of Chichiga.

□Genetics: A predisposition to conditions like axillary osmidrosis (armpit odor) and Chichiga can be genetic. If family members have these symptoms, your risk might be higher.

□Lifestyle Habits: Irregular routines, poor diet, and stress can exacerbate the symptoms of Chichiga.

Self-check for Mammary Osmidrosis:

□Stains on your bra.

□A distinctive smell when undressing.

□Being told there’s a bitter taste during intimacy.

□Feeling that your earwax is moist.

□Being bothered by underarm odor.

□Having relatives with axillary osmidrosis.

Effective Treatments at Medical Institutions

If you aim to fundamentally address Chichiga, seeking medical treatment is the most effective route. The ViewHot treatment, in particular, is highly recommended.

Features of ViewHot Treatment:

□Highly Effective: Many women who underwent this treatment have noticed significant improvements in their condition.

□Low Risk of Scarring: The procedure doesn’t involve cutting the skin, minimizing scar concerns.

□Minimal Downtime: Post-treatment lifestyle restrictions are almost nonexistent, and showering is possible on the same day.

□Simultaneous Treatment for Other Areas: The treatment can be concurrently applied to other areas like the armpits and groin affected by similar conditions.

In Conclusion

Body odor can be a sensitive issue, impacting a woman’s confidence and pride. If you’ve been struggling with this alone, we strongly recommend consulting with a trusted physician and seeking appropriate treatment. For your beauty and health, take that first step forward.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


【Related Articles】

Understanding the Odor of the Vagina and Its Surroundings: A Medical Perspective

Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?

The Truth and Benefits of the Trending “ViewHot” Treatment for Intimate Odor

Is there an odor from your butt crease? It might be “buttock osmidrosis.”

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院長ブログトップ > The Truth and Benefits of the Trending “ViewHot” Treatment for Intimate Odor

The Truth and Benefits of the Trending “ViewHot” Treatment for Intimate Odor

Understanding Intimate Odor

Intimate odor, often referred to as “Suso-ga” in Japanese, pertains to body odor originating from the genital area, similar to the underarm odor known as “wakiga” or axillary osmidrosis. This condition arises due to the abundance of apocrine sweat glands in the area. The scent can intensify, especially during moments of sexual arousal, and many individuals may not notice it until pointed out by a partner. Another condition, caused by the apocrine sweat glands in the areolas, is known as “Chichi-ga.” For further insights on the challenges and daily care related to Suso-ga, you can refer to our previous blog titled “Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?“. This article will provide an in-depth look at the “ViewHot” treatment as a fundamental solution for Suso-ga and Chichi-ga.

What is ViewHot Treatment?

ViewHot is a non-invasive high-frequency radiation treatment. It is a recommended treatment method at Funabashi Central Clinic and Aoyama Ceres Clinic. Among over 500 cases treated for Suso-ga and Chichi-ga with the ViewHot treatment, there have been no reported instances of unsatisfactory results. The intensity and depth of the treatment are vital, particularly considering the thickness of the genital skin when applying the radiation.

Treatment Process:

①Target Designation: Identifying the precise treatment area.

②Anesthesia: Mask anesthesia is used to ensure a pain-free experience.

③Radiation: The designated areas receive high-frequency radiation, typically taking around 30 minutes for the genital and anal areas.

④Post-Radiation: Temporary redness or dot-like marks might appear, which will fade over time.

Six Benefits of Our ViewHot Treatment:

①Non-Invasive: No surgical incisions are required.

②Pain-free: Thanks to mask anesthesia, patients experience no discomfort.

③Effective Destruction of Sweat Glands: Addresses the primary cause of odor and excessive sweating.

④No Need for Compression Bandages: Treatment completes without major restraints.

⑤Immediate Showers Allowed: Patients can shower on the same day as treatment.

⑥Expert Physicians: Treatments are conducted by doctors with over 20 years of experience.

Features of Our ViewHot Treatment:

Our medical group’s Suso-ga treatments are conducted by specialized cosmetic surgeons. With over two decades of expertise, we ensure both the quality and efficacy of our treatments. Two standout features include:

①Proper Radiation Intensity and Depth: For ViewHot’s treatment of Suso-ga, getting the right intensity and depth of radiation is crucial, as these factors directly influence the results. Our doctors utilize advanced techniques to determine the right parameters, considering individual skin thickness and the severity of the odor.

②Use of Mask Anesthesia: This method ensures a completely pain-free experience, allowing us to adjust radiation intensity and depth as needed, ensuring the highest patient satisfaction.

These features significantly increase patient trust. For sustained treatment results and safety, a specialist’s skill and experience are indispensable.

The Physician’s Skill is Paramount:

Beyond the capabilities of the equipment, the success of the treatment significantly hinges on the expertise of the doctor. Our medical group is staffed with highly experienced specialists who provide personalized treatments based on each patient’s unique needs.


Intimate odor, be it Suso-ga or Chichi-ga, is a delicate issue for many. The ViewHot treatment, known for its effectiveness and safety, has garnered significant patient trust. The benefits of a non-invasive procedure, combined with the assurance of treatment by specialized doctors, make this an attractive option for those considering treatment for intimate odor. We provide an environment where you can confidently seek consultation and treatment. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


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Understanding the Odor of the Vagina and Its Surroundings: A Medical Perspective

Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?

Is there an odor from your butt crease? It might be “buttock osmidrosis.”

An Unusual Odor from the Areola: It Could Be a Sign of Mammary Osmidrosis…

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院長ブログトップ > Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?

Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?

A Common Concern Among Women: Vaginal Odor

It may come as a surprise, but it’s said that about a third of women emit a distinct scent, colloquially known as “vaginal odor.” While there isn’t concrete data or medical statistics, research suggests that many women become aware of this particular scent during intimacy. Given the scarcity of medical professionals discussing this delicate topic, this article aims to provide reliable information and solutions.

The Truth Behind Vaginal Odor

The medical terms for this condition are “genital bromhidrosis” or “genital axillary odor syndrome.” Many women commonly identify this smell with terms like “vaginal odor” or “crotch smell,” and online discussions often include terms such as “smelly vagina” or “vaginal smell.” We touched upon the reasons behind this odor in a previous article, pointing out that the main factor is genital bromhidrosis. It’s crucial to comprehend the medical truths and reasons behind it.

What is Genital Bromhidrosis?

Genital bromhidrosis primarily results from the sweat secreted by the apocrine sweat glands. The human body possesses two kinds of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands, responsible for regulating body temperature, secrete mostly odorless sweat throughout the body. In contrast, apocrine glands are concentrated in areas like the armpits, areolae, and genital region. The sweat they release reacts with surface bacteria, producing a distinctive strong odor.

Self-diagnosis for Genital Bromhidrosis

To determine if you have genital bromhidrosis, it’s advised to check your armpit odor, as women with this condition often also exhibit underarm odor. Gently rubbing the skin around the labia majora and clitoris and sniffing can reveal the characteristic scent of genital bromhidrosis.

Impact on Sexual Activity The scent associated with genital bromhidrosis is a significant concern for many women during intimacy with their partners. Even after showering, this odor often reappears within a short period. Some women struggle to focus during sex due to the odor, while others remain oblivious to their scent and wonder why their partner refrains from cunnilingus.

Factors Intensifying the Odor

Apocrine sweat glands are regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, a part of the autonomic nervous system that operates unconsciously. The autonomic nervous system consists of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. During periods of tension or excitement, the sympathetic system dominates, promoting increased sweat production from the apocrine glands. Thus, during sexual activity, an environment prone to stress or excitement, the scent becomes more pronounced.

Odor Control Tip #1: Bathing

Cleanliness is paramount, especially before intimate moments. Given the stubborn nature of the odor, thoroughly washing the genital area with a well-lathered body soap is essential. Also, make sure to clean the clitoris properly. After a hot bath, it’s recommended to rinse the genital area with cold water to cool down the body.

Odor Control Tip #2: Body Cream

After ensuring both parties are clean, applying a pleasant-scented body cream to the body, focusing especially on the genital area, can mask the odor for a certain duration. Choose creams safe for ingestion.

Odor Control Tip #3: Relax

Are you tense during intimate moments with your partner? While some tension can add excitement, when it comes to genital bromhidrosis, it’s better for both parties to be as relaxed as possible.

Odor Control Tip #4: Adjusting the Sequence of Intimacy

Consider adjusting the sequence of intimate activities. Initiating foreplay led by the male partner can help, especially if cunnilingus is completed before the female becomes excessively aroused and sweaty.

The Best Solution

The most effective measure against this condition is to undergo treatments targeting the apocrine glands, with “ViewHot” being the most recommended. However, the efficacy of the ViewHot treatment depends on the expertise of the physician, making it essential to choose a reputable medical institution.


While “vaginal odor” or “genital bromhidrosis” is a sensitive issue for many women, understanding and adopting the right measures can significantly alleviate the concern. With proper self-diagnosis, daily preventive measures, and professional treatments when necessary, women can enjoy a more fulfilling sexual life.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

【Related Articles】

Understanding the Odor of the Vagina and Its Surroundings: A Medical Perspective

The Truth and Benefits of the Trending “ViewHot” Treatment for Intimate Odor

An Unusual Odor from the Areola: It Could Be a Sign of Mammary Osmidrosis…

Is there an odor from your butt crease? It might be “buttock osmidrosis.”



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院長ブログトップ > Understanding the Odor of the Vagina and Its Surroundings: A Medical Perspective

Understanding the Odor of the Vagina and Its Surroundings: A Medical Perspective

For those of you with health-related questions and concerns, have you ever felt uncertain or anxious about the odor of the vagina in your daily life? In this article, we’ll delve deep into the medical reasons behind vaginal odor and the surrounding area.

The Natural Environment of the Vagina
Starting with the basics, the vagina has a natural environment that maintains its health. This environment is primarily composed of beneficial bacteria known as “lactobacilli,” which keep the pH acidic, thereby preventing the growth of harmful pathogens. As a result, it’s normal for the vagina to have a unique scent. Typically, this natural vaginal odor is described as “sour” or “yeasty”. The slight sweetness or tartness can be attributed to lactobacilli breaking down sugars and producing lactic acid.

Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the balance of “lactobacilli” in the vagina is disrupted, allowing harmful bacteria to proliferate. Common causes include having a new sexual partner, frequent intercourse, excessive washing with cleansing agents, weakened immunity due to fatigue or lack of sleep, and antibiotic usage. Common symptoms include a strong, fish-like odor, particularly after intercourse or menstruation. Other symptoms include increased thin, grayish-white discharge, itching, or burning sensation in the vagina. Diagnosis primarily relies on clinical symptoms and examination of vaginal discharge. Antibiotics like metronidazole or clindamycin are commonly prescribed, either orally or as vaginal suppositories. Bacterial vaginosis is a prevalent condition, with many women experiencing it at some point in their lives.

Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea can intensify vaginal odor. While many people with chlamydia don’t exhibit symptoms, some might notice increased odorless or yellowish discharge. Other symptoms can include pain or burning in the vagina or urethra and lower abdominal pain. With gonorrhea, while initial symptoms in women might be mild, increased foul-smelling purulent discharge, itching, or pain during urination can occur when they do manifest. On the other hand, trichomoniasis is characterized by frothy, yellow-greenish discharge with a strong odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

Menstruation and Bleeding
During menstruation, the presence of blood can contribute to a distinctive odor. Menstrual blood tends to be neutral to slightly alkaline, which can temporarily disrupt the pH balance of the vagina. This pH shift can encourage the growth of bacteria other than lactobacilli, leading to odor. Additionally, not frequently changing sanitary pads or tampons can lead to accumulated blood and vaginal secretions, promoting bacterial growth and consequently, odor.

Diet and Physical Condition
It’s known that spicy foods, alcohol, and garlic can affect body and vaginal odor. For example, spicy foods contain potent compounds like capsaicin which not only stimulate sweat glands, leading to increased sweat but also result in a distinctive body and vaginal scent when excreted. Similarly, compounds resulting from alcohol metabolism, like acetaldehyde, and compounds in garlic, like allicin, can affect odor. Moreover, factors like stress, fatigue, irregular lifestyles, and nutritional deficiencies can weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of conditions like bacterial vaginosis and candidal vaginitis, which are typically accompanied by changes in odor.

Vaginal Odor (Suso-wakiga)
Vaginal odor, also known as suso-wakiga, arises from secretions of the apocrine glands in the genital area. Bacteria on the skin break down these secretions, leading to a distinct unpleasant smell. Notably, secretions from the apocrine glands of the genital area increase during the initial stages of sexual arousal, intensifying the odor during intercourse. The recommended treatment is “Bewhot.”

Clitoral Phimosis
In women, “clitoral phimosis” refers to a condition where the tip of the clitoris is covered by the prepuce, making it prone to accumulate waste products. This accumulation can contribute to the odor around the vagina.

External Factors
The vagina is in proximity to the urethra and anus, and secretions or excretions from these areas can also contribute to the surrounding odor.

There are various factors that contribute to the odor of the vagina and its surroundings. While most odors can be addressed with regular care and lifestyle adjustments, if the odor persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s strongly advised to consult a gynecologist or a medical institution specializing in sudo-wakiga treatment. Care for your body, seek the right information, and pursue a more comfortable daily life.

Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


【Related Articles】

Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?

The Truth and Benefits of the Trending “ViewHot” Treatment for Intimate Odor

An Unusual Odor from the Areola: It Could Be a Sign of Mammary Osmidrosis…

Is there an odor from your butt crease? It might be “buttock osmidrosis.”

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院長ブログトップ > Tackling Scars and Deep Wrinkles with Subcision Treatment!

Tackling Scars and Deep Wrinkles with Subcision Treatment!

We all have scars from the past or deep wrinkles that might diminish our confidence. But with the latest treatments, there’s hope for resolving these issues!

Subcision as a Solution for Acne Scars

In a previous article titled “Subcision for Acne Scar Treatment: An Overview,” we discussed the efficacy of subcision for treating crater-like acne scars. This treatment method works by alleviating scar tissue in the lower layers of the skin. But it’s not just for acne—it’s incredibly effective for other scars and wrinkles too!

Why Do Scars Stand Out?

The prominence of scars can be attributed to the scar tissue beneath the skin’s surface. This tissue pulls the surface inward, creating a dent. Such scars are similar in nature to the craters formed from acne scars.

The Double Effect of Subcision and Hyaluronic Acid

At the Aoyama Ceres Clinic/Funabashi Central Clinic, we’ve adopted a combined treatment of subcision and hyaluronic acid injections. This combination has shown incredibly promising results in scar treatment.

Addressing Deep Wrinkles

Wrinkles between the brows and on the forehead result from facial expressions. Over time, repetitive expressions cause the tissues beneath the skin to adhere and form scar-like deep wrinkles. While shallow wrinkles can be addressed with Botox and hyaluronic acid injections, the deep wrinkles, especially those on men’s brows and foreheads, benefit from subcision.

Initiatives of the Aoyama Ceres Clinic/Funabashi Central Clinic

Our clinic leverages vast experience and cutting-edge techniques. We’ve advanced the subcision treatment method, providing effective treatment for scars and wrinkles that previously posed challenges.

In Conclusion

Subcision treatment at the Aoyama Ceres Clinic/Funabashi Central Clinic offers a beacon of hope for everyone troubled by scars and wrinkles. With cutting-edge treatment, let’s reclaim beautiful skin!


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

【Related Articles】

An Overview of Acne Scar Treatment via Subcision

The Benefits of Adding Hyaluronic Acid to Subcision Treatment

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院長ブログトップ > Secrets to Choosing the Right Subcision Clinic

Secrets to Choosing the Right Subcision Clinic

The lingering scars and indentations left by acne can be a significant concern for many. Especially, the crater-like scars and ice pick-shaped scars often mar the beauty of one’s skin. The magical treatment for such scars? Enter “Subcision Therapy.”

In a previous article titled “An Overview of Acne Scar Treatment via Subcision,” I introduced the basics of this method, and in “The Benefits of Adding Hyaluronic Acid to Subcision Treatment,” I discussed the profound effects of combining it with hyaluronic acid injections. In this piece, I will delve deeper into the crucial aspects of selecting the most suitable clinic for subcision therapy.

Understanding Subcision and Its Efficacy

Recent studies have unveiled the astonishing benefits of subcision therapy for treating acne scars. However, it’s disheartening that the beauty dermatology realm in Japan has limited information about this technique. A reason behind this might be the surgical elements encompassed within the procedure. This means that for precise and safe implementation, a doctor’s surgical experience becomes paramount.

What Does ‘Surgical Elements’ Mean?

During treatment, the skin’s surface is separated from the underlying tissue using a special needle. This technique mirrors the dissection processes in surgeries, making a doctor’s surgical experience an indispensable factor for the success of the treatment. (On a side note, the author of this article is a certified surgeon.)

The Magic of Hyaluronic Acid

After meticulously separating the scar tissue, hyaluronic acid is injected. This acid not only ensures that the scar doesn’t reform but also beautifully corrects the sunken parts. Over the span of 6 to 12 months, the body will gradually absorb the hyaluronic acid. During this period, the formation of connective tissue around the skin ensures the continued enhancement of its appearance.

However, caution is advised during hyaluronic acid injections. If the initial separation is not done adequately, injecting the acid becomes challenging. The hardened scar tissue, unlike the usual supple subdermal tissue, resists the hyaluronic acid. If the scar tissue is extremely tough, the acid may not get injected at all and might leak out of the needle’s puncture. In the past, treatments solely based on hyaluronic acid injections for acne scars were tried. However, due to the aforementioned challenges, the combination of subcision and hyaluronic acid injection has become the standard approach.

Key Points in Choosing a Clinic

While technique plays a role, the quantity and quality of the hyaluronic acid used are also pivotal for the treatment’s success. Hence, selecting the right clinic becomes crucial. Opting for a clinic with extensive experience in subcision therapy and staffed with physicians with a surgical background ensures you get the most effective treatment.

In Conclusion

Treating acne scars requires more than just cosmetic expertise; it demands specialized skills and knowledge. The combination of subcision therapy and hyaluronic acid injections stands at the forefront of this field. When choosing a clinic, exercise due diligence to ensure you receive optimal treatment and reclaim your flawless skin.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

【Related Articles】

An Overview of Acne Scar Treatment via Subcision

The Benefits of Adding Hyaluronic Acid to Subcision Treatment



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院長ブログトップ > Subcision Treatment for Acne Scars【overview】

Subcision Treatment for Acne Scars【overview】

Acne is a skin problem that many people encounter at least once in their lives. However, for many, the scars and irregularities left behind after acne heals can be a long-term concern. Especially when these scars are on the face, a highly visible area, they can become a deep-seated complex. One treatment that has gained attention in recent years for improving such acne scars is “subcision.” In this article, I will delve into the overview of the subcision treatment, its detailed treatment process, advantages and disadvantages, and post-treatment care.

1.What is Subcision?

Subcision is one of the treatments that lifts and makes indented acne scars less noticeable. As the name suggests, “subcision” literally means “subcutaneous incision.” The procedure involves severing the fibers between the dermis, the skin’s lower layer, and the fat layer beneath it to lift the scar.

2.Acne Scars Targeted by Subcision

Subcision is particularly effective for “atrophic scars.” These types of atrophic scars include:

  • Rolling Scars: Scars formed by fibers pulling down the skin, creating a rounded, wide scar.
  • Boxcar Scars: Scars with sharp angles and a rectangular indentation.
  • Ice Pick Scars: Narrow, deep holes reminiscent of the tip of a pencil.

Subcision shows particularly high efficacy for rolling scars.

3.Treatment Process

  • Preliminary Counseling: First, detailed counseling is conducted between the patient and the physician. During this session, details such as treatment suitability, expected results, risks, and costs are discussed.
  • Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to minimize pain during the treatment.
  • Treatment: The doctor inserts a thin needle below the skin and carefully severs the fibers forming the scar. By repeating this process, the skin’s irregularities are smoothed out.
  • Aftercare: After the treatment, temporary redness or swelling may occur. It’s essential to use sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight.


4.Advantages of Subcision

  • Minimally Invasive: Does not require extensive surgery, leading to a shorter recovery period.
  • Immediate Results: Significant results can be expected from a single treatment.
  • Repeated Treatments Possible: Treatment can be received multiple times if necessary.


5.Disadvantages and Risks

  • Temporary redness or swelling might occur.
  • There’s a rare risk of hyperpigmentation, infection, or worsening of the scar.

6.The Importance of Aftercare

Aftercare post-subcision is crucial. It’s essential to avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen with SPF daily. Keeping the skin moisturized to prevent dryness is also emphasized.


Subcision is a highly effective treatment for atrophic acne scars. However, to maximize its benefits and minimize risks, it’s essential to gather sufficient information and choose an experienced physician.

Written by Kenta Motogami

Directer of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

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院長ブログトップ > All services can be offered in English

All services can be offered in English

Hi, this Kenta Motogami, CEO of Celes Medical Corporation .

Our medical group runs 3 clinics in the metropolitan area in Japan.

They are located in Aoyama (Tokyo, Minato Ward), Funabashi (Chiba Pref.) and Kawaguchi (Saitama Pref.).

We offer medical services of aesthetic plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology.

Especially, we are good at antiaging treatments, such as Face-lifting operations, Ultherapy, and Hyaluronic-acid and Botox injections.

All services can be offered in English!

Although the regular staffs cannot communicate in English, the doctors including me can speak fluent English.

Also, feel free in asking questions in English from the following mail form.

Ask us any questions freely!


Kenta Motogami,
CEO of Celes Medical Corporation


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院長ブログトップ > Offering Safe and Secure Botox and Hyaluronic acid Injection treatments.

Offering Safe and Secure Botox and Hyaluronic acid Injection treatments.

Hi, this is Kenta Motogami, the CEO of the Celes Medical Corporation located in Tokyo Aoyama, Chiba Funabashi-shi and Saitama Kawaguchi-shi.

Today I would like to talk about the prices.

As you know, there are so many cosmetic and plastic surgery clinics all around in Japan, and you may wonder why the price differs from clinic to clinic such as the price ranges of the Botox and Hyaluronic acid(HA) injection treatment.

The major reason in this difference is because doctors can choose what types of products they use freely.

Since there are so many kinds of botox and HA products in the world, whose prices vary, the price that a clinic charges differs from the one to the other does accordingly.

The important thing I want you to keep in mind is that you should not choose and decide a clinic only based on the price. Some products are so cheap because of their poor quality and it implies that the procedures that use cheap products would be dangerous and bring unsatisfactory results.  

Everybody knows that choosing an experienced doctor is important for receiving a satisfying result, and you must know that choosing the product is as important as choosing an experienced doctor.

In Celes Medical Corporation, we only use botox and HA products in facial treatments which are authorized by the Japan Ministry of Health-Labour-Welfare. (At present, Juvederm🄬 and Botox Vista🄬 (Allergan, Inc) are the only authorized products in Japan).

It is true that many Japanese doctors are honest and dedicated, but like any other business fields, some are greedy and trying to cheat on customers.

Selecting a trusty clinic and doctor is very difficult, especially in a foreign country. Thus, if you are wavering to choose a clinic, I recommend you to phone(or mail) and ask the clinic you considering which product they offer.

I think that will help you to not being involved in trouble and make your decision easier.


Kenta Motogami, CEO of the Celes Medical Corporation
(Runs Aoyama Celes Clinic and Funabashi Chouh Clinic)


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院長ブログトップ > The best and ultimate way for breast augmentation

The best and ultimate way for breast augmentation

The best and ultimate way for breast augmentation is Aquafilling breast augmentation”
Below is an Aquafilling case of a 42 years old women with a past history of breast-feed.

Pre-operation (photoed on December 18th ,2015)

Post-operation (photoed on December 28th ,2015)
10 days after injection of 300cc of Aquafilling.
(150cc to each side)
It looks very natural.
Furthermore, it is very soft during palpation and no one even herself can identify the artifact of Aquafilling.

Post-operation (photoed on Janurary 17th ,2016)
1 month after the injection of Aquafilling breast augmentation
The size and naturalness are still maintained.
The size will last at least 5 years!

For more information about Aquafilling mammary augmentation” click here (Japanese);
Aquafilling mammary augmentation (CHIBA Funabashi Office)

Aquafilling mammary augmentation (TOKYO Aoyama Office)

Written by Kenta Motogami
Director of Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo) And Funabashi Chouh Clinic (Chiba)

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院長ブログトップ > The newest and best way for mammary augmentation

The newest and best way for mammary augmentation

This time I’ll introduce the newest way for mammary augmentation.
It is called “Aquafilling” augmentation.
Every cosmetic surgeon working in the field of aesthetic medicine concerned with breast augmentation strives to work with an implant which would be safe for the human organism, and provide a natural look, a short-term post –operative period and minimal trauma for the woman.
Aquafilling is a real breach in an aesthetic medicine. It has completely changed beliefs concerning implants. The results of Aquafilling application are superior to expectations.Aquafilling is a hydrophilic gel which provides non-invasive and non-surgicalway to make women’s breast tissue look more attractive and natural.


By choosing Aquafilling gel for breast augmentation, a woman is provided with the following Benefits:

  • Naturalness

Aquafilling is a gel which provides a naturalness and softness of the soft breast tissues. No contours are visible or sensible during palpation.

  • High safety

A woman can be certain of Aquafilling’s safety as there is no migration of the gel, no inflammations or fragmentations in the injection site, and no infiltrations within the injection zone.
Side effects such as redness and swelling often observed after injections with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are very rarely observed after Aquafilling gel injection.

  • Long-lasting effect

Aquafilling is a water soluble gel. Ninety-eight percent of its composition is made up of 0,9 % physiologic solution of sodium chloride. It degrades slowly and provides a long-lasting effect. The effect lasts more than five years.



So, if you have chosen Aquafilling gel, you can be sure that the main step on your way to having beautiful and natural breasts tissues has already been taken.
Soon you will have an attractive body and will be admired by all!

For more information about “Aquafilling mammary augmentation” click here (Japanese);
Aquafilling mammary augmentation (CHIBA Funabashi Office)

Aquafilling mammary augmentation (TOKYO Aoyama Office)

Written by Kenta Motogami
Director of Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo) And Funabashi Chouh Clinic (Chiba)

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院長ブログトップ > The most popular operation for creating “double eyelid”

The most popular operation for creating “double eyelid”

The most popular cosmetic operation in Japan is to create an upper eyelid with a crease. An upper eyelid with a crease is generally called “double eyelid”, and without a crease is called “single eyelid”.
Though there are several methods to create the double eyelid (including the full-incisional incision), the most popular method is the “double eyelid suturing technique”, which is a no incision method.
The “double eyelid suturing technique” is performed only by suturing 2 parts of the eyelid of each side.

In cases such as a “puffy eyelid”, removing the fat tissue is recommended.

I show you below some sample photos which were taken in my clinic.

 double eyelid suturing technique 1
This is a “puffy eyelid” case.

double eyelid suturing technique2
For removing the fat tissue, a minimum incision has been made. (2mm)

double eyelid suturing technique3
Just removing the fat tissue

double eyelid suturing technique4
Right after the operation (eyes closed)

double eyelid suturing technique5
Right after the operation (eyes opened)

double eyelid suturing technique6
1 week after operation. The eyelids are still swelling
double eyelid suturing technique7

3 months after operation
The swell has gone, and this is the completed state.

double eyelid suturing technique8
3 months after operation(eyes closed)

For more information about the “double eyelid suturing technique” click here.
double eyelid suturing technique (CHIBA Funabashi Office)
double eyelid suturing technique (TOKYO Aoyama Office)

Written by Kenta Motogami
Director of Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo) And Funabashi Chouh Clinic (Chiba)

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院長ブログトップ > The best way to lift your skin in a non-surgical way

The best way to lift your skin in a non-surgical way

I introduce you today the Ulthera® System.

The Ulthera® System is the first and only energy-based device to receive U.S. FDA clearance for a non-invasive aesthetic lift indication. It is used in a procedure known as Ultherapy®, which is an FDA-cleared treatment to lift skin above the eyebrow, on the neck and under the chin.


I show you below some sample photos which were taken in my clinic.


Ultherapy before

Ultherapy before

Pre-treatment photo (2 above)

The face has conspicuous marionette lines, double chin, saggy cheeks and a round face line.

Ultherapy after

Ultherapy after

Post-Ultherapy photo (1 month after Ultherapy)

The face line has been sharpened!

Cheeks are lifted up!

The marionette line are no longer conspicuous!

The double chin has gone away!


You need only one time for Ultherapy, and the effect will last about a 1~1.5 years.


The fee is

¥240,000 for chin & eyebrow lift

¥340,000 for chin & eyebrow lift & neck (face line).

※gas anesthesia in which you are totally asleep is recommended (extra ¥50,000 charge)



For more information about the Ulthera® System click here.
Ulthera System (CHIBA Funabashi Office)
Ulthera System (TOKYO Aoyama Office)

Written by Kenta Motogami

Director of Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo) And Funabashi Chouh Clinic (Chiba)


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院長ブログトップ > A new treatment for osmidrosis and hyperhidrosis of the armpit, its called “VIEWHOT”

A new treatment for osmidrosis and hyperhidrosis of the armpit, its called “VIEWHOT”

I’ll introduce the new treatment for osmidrosis and hyperhidrosis of the armpit.
It’s called “VIEWHOT”

↓This is the therapy process.


↓This is how the VIEWHOT works.


It takes about 15minutes for the preparation and the local anesthetic.
The net time of the VIEWHOT therapy is 30 minutes for both sides of armpits.
After the VIEWHOT therapy, the armpits are cooled for 10 minutes.
So the total VIEWHOT therapy finishes in about 1 hour.

Total 5 patients already have had the VIEWHOT therapy, and their impressions are very good so far.
Some of them say that they hardly sweat anymore in their armpits.

Assuming the pre-therapy score as 10 points representing the strength of the sweating, the post-therapy score is about 2 points, averaging the impressions of the 5 patients.

I’m pretty satisfied with starting this new treatment for osmidrosis and hyperhidrosis ,as the patients are quite satisfied with taking this VIEWHOT therapy

For more information about VIEWHOT click here.
VIEWHOT therapy(CHIBA Funabashi Office)
VIEWHOT therapy (TOKYO Aoyama Office)

Written by Kenta Motogami
Director of Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo) And Funabashi Chouh Clinic (Chiba)

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院長ブログトップ > Erasing tattoos which were put in by oneself

Erasing tattoos which were put in by oneself

I’ll introduce a case of erasing a tattoo which was tattooed in one’s shoulder by oneself.
In this kind of case, the YAG laser treatment is the best way to remove it.
Actually it takes about three times of treatment, once a time in every 2 months.

Picture above: a tattoo in one’s shoulder (before treatment)

Picture above: after 3 times of YAG Laser treatment

The tattoo is completely removed , isn’t it ?

For more information about removing tattoo treatments click here.
removing tattoo by laser treatment (CHIBA Funabashi Office)
removing tattoo by laser treatment (TOKYO Aoyama Office)

Wriiten by Kenta Motogami
Director of Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo) And Funabashi Chouh Clinic (Chiba)

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