
Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?

A Common Concern Among Women: Vaginal Odor

It may come as a surprise, but it’s said that about a third of women emit a distinct scent, colloquially known as “vaginal odor.” While there isn’t concrete data or medical statistics, research suggests that many women become aware of this particular scent during intimacy. Given the scarcity of medical professionals discussing this delicate topic, this article aims to provide reliable information and solutions.

The Truth Behind Vaginal Odor

The medical terms for this condition are “genital bromhidrosis” or “genital axillary odor syndrome.” Many women commonly identify this smell with terms like “vaginal odor” or “crotch smell,” and online discussions often include terms such as “smelly vagina” or “vaginal smell.” We touched upon the reasons behind this odor in a previous article, pointing out that the main factor is genital bromhidrosis. It’s crucial to comprehend the medical truths and reasons behind it.

What is Genital Bromhidrosis?

Genital bromhidrosis primarily results from the sweat secreted by the apocrine sweat glands. The human body possesses two kinds of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands, responsible for regulating body temperature, secrete mostly odorless sweat throughout the body. In contrast, apocrine glands are concentrated in areas like the armpits, areolae, and genital region. The sweat they release reacts with surface bacteria, producing a distinctive strong odor.

Self-diagnosis for Genital Bromhidrosis

To determine if you have genital bromhidrosis, it’s advised to check your armpit odor, as women with this condition often also exhibit underarm odor. Gently rubbing the skin around the labia majora and clitoris and sniffing can reveal the characteristic scent of genital bromhidrosis.

Impact on Sexual Activity The scent associated with genital bromhidrosis is a significant concern for many women during intimacy with their partners. Even after showering, this odor often reappears within a short period. Some women struggle to focus during sex due to the odor, while others remain oblivious to their scent and wonder why their partner refrains from cunnilingus.

Factors Intensifying the Odor

Apocrine sweat glands are regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, a part of the autonomic nervous system that operates unconsciously. The autonomic nervous system consists of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. During periods of tension or excitement, the sympathetic system dominates, promoting increased sweat production from the apocrine glands. Thus, during sexual activity, an environment prone to stress or excitement, the scent becomes more pronounced.

Odor Control Tip #1: Bathing

Cleanliness is paramount, especially before intimate moments. Given the stubborn nature of the odor, thoroughly washing the genital area with a well-lathered body soap is essential. Also, make sure to clean the clitoris properly. After a hot bath, it’s recommended to rinse the genital area with cold water to cool down the body.

Odor Control Tip #2: Body Cream

After ensuring both parties are clean, applying a pleasant-scented body cream to the body, focusing especially on the genital area, can mask the odor for a certain duration. Choose creams safe for ingestion.

Odor Control Tip #3: Relax

Are you tense during intimate moments with your partner? While some tension can add excitement, when it comes to genital bromhidrosis, it’s better for both parties to be as relaxed as possible.

Odor Control Tip #4: Adjusting the Sequence of Intimacy

Consider adjusting the sequence of intimate activities. Initiating foreplay led by the male partner can help, especially if cunnilingus is completed before the female becomes excessively aroused and sweaty.

The Best Solution

The most effective measure against this condition is to undergo treatments targeting the apocrine glands, with “ViewHot” being the most recommended. However, the efficacy of the ViewHot treatment depends on the expertise of the physician, making it essential to choose a reputable medical institution.


While “vaginal odor” or “genital bromhidrosis” is a sensitive issue for many women, understanding and adopting the right measures can significantly alleviate the concern. With proper self-diagnosis, daily preventive measures, and professional treatments when necessary, women can enjoy a more fulfilling sexual life.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

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