
The Truth and Benefits of the Trending “ViewHot” Treatment for Intimate Odor

Understanding Intimate Odor

Intimate odor, often referred to as “Suso-ga” in Japanese, pertains to body odor originating from the genital area, similar to the underarm odor known as “wakiga” or axillary osmidrosis. This condition arises due to the abundance of apocrine sweat glands in the area. The scent can intensify, especially during moments of sexual arousal, and many individuals may not notice it until pointed out by a partner. Another condition, caused by the apocrine sweat glands in the areolas, is known as “Chichi-ga.” For further insights on the challenges and daily care related to Suso-ga, you can refer to our previous blog titled “Is the Reluctance Towards Cunnilingus Due to Vaginal Odor?“. This article will provide an in-depth look at the “ViewHot” treatment as a fundamental solution for Suso-ga and Chichi-ga.

What is ViewHot Treatment?

ViewHot is a non-invasive high-frequency radiation treatment. It is a recommended treatment method at Funabashi Central Clinic and Aoyama Ceres Clinic. Among over 500 cases treated for Suso-ga and Chichi-ga with the ViewHot treatment, there have been no reported instances of unsatisfactory results. The intensity and depth of the treatment are vital, particularly considering the thickness of the genital skin when applying the radiation.

Treatment Process:

①Target Designation: Identifying the precise treatment area.

②Anesthesia: Mask anesthesia is used to ensure a pain-free experience.

③Radiation: The designated areas receive high-frequency radiation, typically taking around 30 minutes for the genital and anal areas.

④Post-Radiation: Temporary redness or dot-like marks might appear, which will fade over time.

Six Benefits of Our ViewHot Treatment:

①Non-Invasive: No surgical incisions are required.

②Pain-free: Thanks to mask anesthesia, patients experience no discomfort.

③Effective Destruction of Sweat Glands: Addresses the primary cause of odor and excessive sweating.

④No Need for Compression Bandages: Treatment completes without major restraints.

⑤Immediate Showers Allowed: Patients can shower on the same day as treatment.

⑥Expert Physicians: Treatments are conducted by doctors with over 20 years of experience.

Features of Our ViewHot Treatment:

Our medical group’s Suso-ga treatments are conducted by specialized cosmetic surgeons. With over two decades of expertise, we ensure both the quality and efficacy of our treatments. Two standout features include:

①Proper Radiation Intensity and Depth: For ViewHot’s treatment of Suso-ga, getting the right intensity and depth of radiation is crucial, as these factors directly influence the results. Our doctors utilize advanced techniques to determine the right parameters, considering individual skin thickness and the severity of the odor.

②Use of Mask Anesthesia: This method ensures a completely pain-free experience, allowing us to adjust radiation intensity and depth as needed, ensuring the highest patient satisfaction.

These features significantly increase patient trust. For sustained treatment results and safety, a specialist’s skill and experience are indispensable.

The Physician’s Skill is Paramount:

Beyond the capabilities of the equipment, the success of the treatment significantly hinges on the expertise of the doctor. Our medical group is staffed with highly experienced specialists who provide personalized treatments based on each patient’s unique needs.


Intimate odor, be it Suso-ga or Chichi-ga, is a delicate issue for many. The ViewHot treatment, known for its effectiveness and safety, has garnered significant patient trust. The benefits of a non-invasive procedure, combined with the assurance of treatment by specialized doctors, make this an attractive option for those considering treatment for intimate odor. We provide an environment where you can confidently seek consultation and treatment. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


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