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「thread lift」についての記事まとめ


院長ブログトップ > The Ineffectiveness of Gold Thread Lifts: A Closer Look

The Ineffectiveness of Gold Thread Lifts: A Closer Look

History of Gold Thread Lifts

Introduced decades ago, the origin of the gold thread lift (Golden Lift) remains somewhat unclear. Believed to have developed in Asia, it gained popularity, particularly in Japan and Korea. Initially a luxury treatment for the wealthy, it gradually found acceptance among a wider patient demographic.


Mechanism of Gold Thread Lifts

In a gold thread lift (Golden Lift), very fine threads of pure gold, each about 5-10 cm long, are inserted under the skin. Usually, 40-50 threads are used for the face and neck. Grouped with short thread lifts like shopping lifts and collagen lifts, gold is chosen for its stability and low allergy risk. The gold threads supposedly trigger an inflammatory response under the skin, stimulating new collagen production to enhance skin elasticity, reduce fine lines, and contribute to overall rejuvenation.


Effects of Gold Thread Lifts

The primary benefits of gold thread lifts (Golden Lift) include skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and overall skin quality improvement. As gold threads remain stable in the body for a long time, this treatment’s effects are often advertised as being longer-lasting than other thread lifts.


Risks of Gold Thread Lifts

Potential risks and side effects include inflammation, infection, thread exposure or migration, and excessive scar tissue formation. There’s also psychological resistance to having gold threads remain in the body.


Why Gold Threads are Ineffective

Despite the attention gold thread lifts (Golden Lift) have garnered in cosmetic medicine, common misconceptions about their effectiveness exist. Many clinics and doctors claim that gold threads continually generate collagen, but is this really the case?

●Body’s Reaction to Gold Threads: While stable, gold threads are essentially foreign objects in the body. Their insertion triggers inflammation and immune responses, leading to scar tissue formation around the threads. This scar tissue, primarily made of collagen, is often cited by clinics as “abundant collagen and elastin generation by fibroblasts,” which is essentially a normal bodily reaction to inflammation and not specific to gold threads.

●End of Collagen Production: Scar tissue eventually encapsulates, integrating the gold threads as part of the body. This natural response to coexist with foreign material ends the body’s reaction to the gold threads, halting further collagen production. Thus, the claim that gold threads continually stimulate collagen production is scientifically unfounded. Also, the advertised claim of restoring the normal turnover cycle of the skin seems dubious, with no supporting evidence.

●Comparison with Nylon Thread Lifts: Interestingly, gold threads (Golden Lift) undergo a similar process as traditional nylon thread lifts. Nylon threads also cause inflammation and subsequent scar tissue formation, followed by encapsulation. Thus, gold threads can be considered a type of non-absorbable thread, similar to nylon.


Debunking Common Myths about Gold Thread Lifts

Q: Why does skin rejuvenate with gold thread (Golden Lift) insertion?

A: Claims of rejuvenation due to collagen accumulation, new capillaries, and cell regeneration are false. There’s little to no rejuvenation effect.

Q: Is it safe to leave gold threads in the body?

A: Without infection, major issues are unlikely.

Q: Is the treatment painful, and will it leave scars or marks?

A: It can be painful with local anesthesia alone, but bearable with intravenous anesthesia. Needle marks usually disappear in 2-3 days.

Q: How much rejuvenation and how long does it last?

A: Gold thread (Golden Lift) effects last only a few months, similar to other thread lifts. Effects lasting over a year are unlikely, and claims of 10-15 years duration by some clinics are unfounded.

Q: How long does the treatment take?

A: Typically, a gold thread (Golden Lift) procedure takes about 30 minutes.

Q: What’s the difference between gold thread and thread lifts?

A: Thread lifts use notched or barbed threads for lifting, while gold thread (Golden Lift) aims to improve skin firmness, similar to shopping or collagen lifts.

Q: Can I undergo laser treatment after gold thread insertion?

A: IPL or laser treatments are probably safe about 2 months post-procedure.

Q: What about gold allergies?

A: Gold is less likely to cause allergies, but the possibility exists.

Q: How quickly do gold thread effects appear?

A: Effects of gold thread (Golden Lift) are said to appear around 3 months post-procedure, but they typically fade within a few months.

Q: When can I wear makeup after gold thread treatment?

A: Makeup is usually possible a day after the procedure.

Q: How much gold thread is used?

A: Typically, 4-5 meters of thread are inserted across the face and neck.

Q: Can gold thread be inserted anywhere on the body?

A: Gold thread can be implanted in almost any body part.

Q: Will it set off metal detectors at airports?

A: The total amount of gold thread is about the same as a gold tooth, so it’s unlikely to trigger metal detectors.

Q: Can I undergo CT or MRI scans with gold threads?

A: Generally yes, but the final decision rests with the medical facility conducting the scan.


Conclusion on Gold Thread Lifts

It’s evident that the marketing around gold thread lifts often borders on exaggeration. When considering cosmetic treatments, it’s crucial to establish clear criteria, consult thoroughly with trusted physicians, and make informed decisions based on accurate information. Additionally, exploring other treatments offering similar benefits to gold thread lifts is advisable for a comprehensive approach to treatment selection.

Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.

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院長ブログトップ > Unveiling the True Effectiveness of Silhouette Soft®: An In-Depth Look at 3D Lift

Unveiling the True Effectiveness of Silhouette Soft®: An In-Depth Look at 3D Lift

The Introduction of Silhouette Soft®

Silhouette Soft®, commonly referred to as the 3D Lift, is a thread lift technique characterized by its bi-directional cones, designed to achieve a three-dimensional lift. This article delves into the effectiveness, benefits, considerations, and how it differs from the traditional Silhouette Lift.


What is Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift)?

Developed by SINCLAIR, a UK-based company, and manufactured in the USA, Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift) is a relatively new thread lift technique, an enhanced version of the traditional ‘Silhouette Lift’. The thread lift procedure with Silhouette Soft®, focusing on mini-facelifts and collagen production, has gained FDA and CE mark certification, validating its safety.


Uniqueness of Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift)

The standout feature of Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift) lies in its extensive contact area with subcutaneous tissue. Compared to the spike type, the cone type anchors over a larger area, increasing friction and purportedly enhancing lifting and collagen production. Immediate lifting effects are felt post-insertion, with the bi-directional cones positioned opposite to each other, leading to further lifting over time as they contract towards each other.


Structure and Material of Silhouette Soft®

Comprising two medical-grade soluble materials, PLLA (Poly-L-lactic acid) for the threads and PLGA (Lactic-Glycolic Acid Copolymer) for the cones, Silhouette Soft® offers variations with 8, 12, or 16 cones. These cones firmly hold the subcutaneous tissue and contract the skin towards the thread’s center, lifting sagging areas. Even after the cones and threads dissolve, the collagen produced remains, contributing to long-term effects. Silhouette Soft® is known for providing prolonged lift and skin firmness due to its structure and materials.


Effects of Silhouette Soft®

The procedure offered by Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift) brings two clear advantages: facial rejuvenation and skin quality improvement. The effects, known as “3D Lift,” include:

①Challenging Facial Sagging: The primary effect of Silhouette Soft® is visibly improving facial sagging. Its bi-cones delicately lift and support the skin, addressing deep sagging and providing a clear lift to facial contours. This is particularly effective for areas like nasolabial folds and marionette lines, restoring three-dimensional beauty.

②Collagen Production and Skin Elasticity: Beyond lifting, the procedure promotes collagen production, thereby restoring skin firmness. The minor tissue damage induced by the treatment triggers a natural healing process, enriching the skin with collagen. This ensures that the skin’s texture and lifting effects continue even after complete absorption of the threads and cones.


Benefits of Silhouette Soft®

A significant advantage of Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift) is that it leaves no foreign material in the body. Made of PLLA and PLGA, it is less likely to cause adverse reactions and eventually breaks down into harmless components. Additionally, as it requires no incisions, the procedure minimizes physical stress and eliminates the need for suture removal. The longevity of Silhouette Soft®’s effects, though individual, typically lasts around 18 months. While the threads dissolve in 18 months and the bi-cones in 8-10 months, the surrounding collagen and elastin maintain skin firmness and lifting, potentially extending the effects to nearly two years. The manufacturer recommends annual or bi-annual treatments for sustained improvement.


Drawbacks and Considerations of Silhouette Soft®

Despite being a minimally invasive thread lift, Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift) comes with several considerations:

①Potential for Post-Treatment Irregularities: Temporary facial irregularities may occur as the skin adjusts to the lifted position, usually settling within 1-2 weeks. Persistent irregularities beyond two weeks necessitate medical consultation. Swelling and bruising are possible, taking 2-3 weeks to subside.

②Scarring and Needle Marks: While Silhouette Soft® requires no incisions, the larger needles for bi-cone insertion can leave marks. These typically become inconspicuous within 3-15 days and can be concealed by hair.

③Pain During Treatment: Local anesthesia is used to minimize discomfort during the procedure. For those apprehensive about anesthesia needles, pre-treatment anesthetic cream is an option. Some clinics offer intravenous sedation for a more relaxed experience.


Failure and Downtime of Silhouette Soft®

Thread insertion in the nerve-dense facial area with Silhouette Soft® can cause temporary tightness or discomfort, usually resolving within a month. In rare cases, nodules may form if the threads are placed too superficially, potentially requiring surgical removal.


Differences Between Silhouette Soft® and Silhouette Lift

Unlike the uni-directional cone placement in Silhouette Lift, Silhouette Soft® features bi-directional cones and ensures complete absorption in the body. This makes it suitable for those hesitant about leaving foreign materials in their body, enabling a more dimensional lift.


The Real Effectiveness of Silhouette Soft®

Let’s scrutinize the actual effectiveness of Silhouette Soft® (3D Lift) from an expert perspective. In thread lifting, “collagen regeneration” often mentioned, but this essentially refers to simple scar formation. When the body heals, hard tissue forms, primarily composed of collagen. In thread lifts, this scarring, or collagen formation, occurs around the inserted threads. However, the lift provided by this collagen is limited, as the scars formed by the fine threads lack sufficient tension. The effectiveness of Silhouette Soft® is limited to the period until the threads dissolve. The PLLA (PLA) and PLGA materials used are absorbed slower than traditional absorbable threads, but the tension typically diminishes within 3-6 months. Over time, the threads’ position lowers due to gravity, diminishing the lifting effect.


Conclusion on Silhouette Soft®

While Silhouette Soft®’s bi-cones initially garnered significant attention, it’s become clear that like other absorbable threads, its effects diminish within months. Considering cost-effectiveness, this thread lift may not be recommendable. In cosmetic medicine, carefully weighing risks and results is essential. When considering a thread lift, deciding whether absorbability or durability is a priority is crucial. Success depends on treatment by an experienced physician. Clinic selection is vital, and thorough consultation with a specialist is the first step to avoiding unnatural results.

Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.

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院長ブログトップ > Exploring the Impact and Evolution of Aptos Lift in Thread Lifting

Exploring the Impact and Evolution of Aptos Lift in Thread Lifting

The Revolutionary Arrival of Aptos

For the past three decades, face lifting surgeries were the mainstream solution for addressing facial sagging. However, the extensive nature of these surgeries, accompanied by swelling and long recovery times, made many hesitant. In the late 1990s, a breakthrough came with the birth of the Aptos Lift, a thread lifting method that revolutionized the field of cosmetic surgery. Developed by Russian plastic surgeons, the Sulamanidze family, its effectiveness and safety were evaluated in 2000 on 300 patients by a Russian Ministry of Health committee. In 2004, a study by Lycka reported successful facial rejuvenation in 348 out of 350 cases. Introduced in Japan in 2001 and presented at the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Surgery in 2002, Aptos Lift and thread lifting experienced an exploratory phase in the early years but have since advanced, offering safe thread lifting options to many patients.


About Aptos Lift Threads

The polypropylene threads used in Aptos Lift are highly regarded for their safety in medical applications. These non-absorbable threads are designed with unique barbs to hold subcutaneous tissue while contracting the skin for a lifting effect. The 12cm threads have special serrations running from both ends towards the center, effectively pulling the skin towards the thread’s midpoint.


Technique and Effectiveness of Aptos Lift

Aptos Lift is a minimally invasive procedure using special needles and threads to lift sagging skin without incisions. It is particularly effective for cheek sagging, reducing nasolabial folds, and restoring cheek firmness. Immediate improvement in sagging is noticeable post-treatment, with further lifting effects expected 2-4 weeks later due to the fibrous tissue formed around the threads.


Aftercare and Risks of Aptos Lift

Post-treatment swelling and bruising can occur but are typically alleviated with at-home cooling. Makeup can be applied immediately after. The lifting effects are said to last for several years, especially effective for mild sagging in individuals under 45 years old.


Procedure of Aptos Lift

●Consultation: Assessing the patient’s condition and suitability for the treatment.

●Local Anesthesia: Administering anesthesia at the designated thread insertion sites.

●Treatment: Inserting the Aptos threads under the skin using special needles.

●Post-Treatment: Minimal swelling is typical, with needle marks disappearing within a few days. Washing and makeup application can resume the next day.


Common Questions About Aptos Lift

●Feeling of Threads: Initially, there may be some discomfort, but this fades as the threads adapt.

●Safety of Threads Remaining in the Body: There are minimal risks of infection or other issues with polypropylene threads.

●Effectiveness of Aptos Lift: Initially hailed as a groundbreaking technique, Aptos Lift gained popularity in the early 2000s. Subsequent improvements in threads have somewhat overshadowed it. Being non-absorbable, it’s expected to have longer-lasting effects compared to absorbable threads like VOV Lift. However, its structure, where the thread loops back in the middle and is anchored in the soft fat layer, leads to a decrease in lifting effect over time. Effective thread lifts should have one end anchored in a firm fascia. Furthermore, the lack of contractility in polypropylene threads can lead to visible irregularities at the insertion site, causing postoperative issues. Nowadays, “Spring Thread,” a superior non-absorbable thread lift made of silicone, is preferred, offering better results and longer sustainability, often exceeding three years.


Conclusion: Aptos Lift’s Relevance Today

Once revolutionary, Aptos Lift has been surpassed by newer thread technologies. When considering a thread lift, it’s crucial to determine whether absorbability or longevity is a priority. However, it’s important to note the existence of doctors who claim to be specialists in thread lifting or facelifting without adequate knowledge or experience. Thorough consultation with a true expert is essential before undergoing any treatment.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.

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院長ブログトップ > Exploring the Effectiveness of Anchor MAX: A New Thread Lift Technique

Exploring the Effectiveness of Anchor MAX: A New Thread Lift Technique

What is Anchor MAX?

Anchor MAX is a relatively new thread lift technique in the realm of cosmetic procedures. This non-surgical method utilizes threads to address facial sagging without the need for surgical incisions. The treatment uses threads made from PCL (Polycaprolactone). Let’s delve into whether this approach is effective.


About PCL in Anchor MAX

Polycaprolactone (PCL) is a type of synthetic biodegradable polyester. Like other biodegradable plastics, it is slowly absorbed in the body and eventually breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. PCL is known for its flexibility and chemical stability. These properties make it very suitable for medical applications, such as in orthopedics for promoting bone and cartilage regeneration and in aesthetic medicine as absorbable threads for thread lifts. Overall, PCL stands out for its unique characteristics in medical applications and is environmentally friendly, making it a sustainable material choice. It is also a safe material approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Structure of Anchor MAX

●Needle Thickness and Thread Structure: The needles used in Anchor MAX are relatively thick, around 18G. The thread structure generally involves needles attached to both ends of the thread.

●Thread Structure: The threads in Anchor MAX have small projections, ensuring they are firmly fixed within the skin to provide a lifting effect.

●Durability: The PCL threads are absorbed slowly over 2-3 years, continuing to stimulate collagen production, potentially offering lifting and skin beautification effects for 3-5 years.

●Flexibility: The flexibility of Anchor MAX threads allows for a natural and less tense finish.


Ideal Candidates for Anchor MAX

Individuals concerned about facial sagging

Those noticing looseness in their face line

People looking to restore skin elasticity

Seeking a powerful lift

Desiring a beautifying skin effect

Preferring immediate effects with minimal downtime

Those with previous thread lift experiences seeking further improvement

Aiming for a more sculpted facial appearance


Features of Anchor MAX

●Longevity: Anchor MAX’s PCL threads boast about twice the durability of typical PDO threads, providing effects that last over two years.

●Collagen Production for Beautified Skin: It promotes skin regeneration by enhancing collagen production, offering greater beautification effects than traditional methods.

●Enhanced Lifting with 3D Structure: An increased number of cones in a 3D structure delivers a more powerful, multi-dimensional lift.


Safety Points of Anchor MAX Treatment

The thread and cone placement in Anchor MAX minimizes shifting, allowing for a natural lifting effect.

The cone structure brings together subcutaneous tissues, creating a more dimensional finish.


Anchor MAX Treatment Procedure

①Consultation: Assessing the patient’s facial condition to determine the number and placement of Anchor MAX threads.

②Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered, sometimes complemented with intravenous sedation for pain relief.

③Insertion: Inserting the Anchor MAX threads under the skin to form anchors and lift the skin.

④Securing: Fixing the Anchor MAX threads with appropriate tension for optimal lifting.

⑤Completion: Trimming the ends of the Anchor MAX threads to conclude the procedure.


Price Range of Anchor MAX

The cost varies depending on the number of threads used, typically ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 yen per thread. Some clinics offer package prices, so consultation is advised.


Common Questions About Anchor MAX

●Downtime: Mild swelling and redness post-treatment are common, usually subsiding within a week.

●Combining with Other Treatments: Effective anti-aging results can be achieved by combining with hyaluronic acid injections or Botox.

●Pain Management: Pain during treatment can be minimized with anesthetic creams and local anesthesia.

●Possible Side Effects: No serious side effects have been reported, but careful post-treatment care is needed due to potential effects on facial muscles.


The Truth About Anchor MAX’s Real Effectiveness

While Anchor MAX has garnered attention in the beauty industry, its true effectiveness raises questions. Thread lifts are known for promoting collagen regeneration, but this collagen is essentially just scar tissue. When the skin is injured, hard tissue forms around the wound, composed mainly of collagen. In thread lifts, this scarring process occurs around the inserted threads, leading to so-called collagen regeneration. However, the lifting effect from this collagen is minimal, as the fine nature of the threads results in equally fine scar tissue lacking the necessary tension for lifting. The PCL threads in Anchor MAX are absorbed over a more extended period, supposedly prolonging effectiveness. However, their tension is believed to last only about 3-6 months. My experience with similar absorbable thread lifts, like Happy Lift, supports this, showing effects lasting up to six months.


Conclusion: Questions About Cost-Effectiveness of Anchor MAX

Despite being a new technology using PCL, Anchor MAX, like other absorbable threads, loses its effectiveness within a few months. Considering cost-effectiveness, this thread lift may not be the best choice. In cosmetic medicine, it’s crucial to carefully weigh risks and results. Decisions should not be made on trends alone but after thorough consideration and appropriate consultation.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.

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院長ブログトップ > Exploring the Effectiveness of VOV Lift in Cosmetic Medicine

Exploring the Effectiveness of VOV Lift in Cosmetic Medicine

What is VOV Lift?

In the ever-evolving world of cosmetic medicine, the field of lift treatments is particularly dynamic, with various innovative techniques constantly emerging. Among these, the VOV Lift (also referred to as Bob Lift) shines as a prominent newcomer. This advanced lift treatment differentiates itself from traditional thread lifts with its unique materials and techniques, garnering significant interest among beauty enthusiasts. But what really sets it apart?


Uniqueness and Effectiveness of VOV Lift

VOV Lift utilizes a type of absorbable lift thread called “VOV Lift Premium,” made from PCL (Polycaprolactone). This non-surgical facelift method promises long-lasting effects for over two years and employs patented cog technology for effective facial lifting. Its high safety profile, recognized by the US FDA, offers significant reassurance for patients.


Expected Benefits of VOV Lift

●Improving sagging cheeks and jawline

●Diminishing nasolabial folds

●Reducing the prominence of marionette lines

●Correcting bulldog-like facial appearance

●Sharpening the facial contour


Technical Features of VOV Lift

The PCL threads used in VOV Lift are distinct from traditional PDO or PLLA materials in terms of cog shape, strength, and flexibility. The procedure is designed to minimize pain and offers a longer-lasting effect, making it suitable for facial treatments.


About PCL Material in VOV Lift

PCL is a synthetic biodegradable polyester. Similar to other biodegradable plastics, it breaks down in the body. PCL is known for its flexibility and chemical stability, making it highly suitable for medical applications, including regenerative tissue and organ scaffolding, and absorbable threads for thread lifts. It is absorbed slowly in the body and eventually breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, reducing the risk of long-term foreign substances. Additionally, it is known for its very low toxicity to the body.


Balancing Lifting Power and Safety

The patented cog formation enhances lifting power and fixation strength compared to traditional absorbable thread lifts. Lasting over 24 months, the threads stimulate collagen regeneration, leading to rejuvenated, firmer skin.


Reliability of VOV Lift

The threads in VOV Lift are fully absorbable, minimizing physical burden. Its CE marking and FDA approval further affirm its safety.


Frequently Asked Questions about VOV Lift

Q: Can VOV Lift alone resolve sagging?

A: Results can vary depending on individual skin and fat conditions, but many report noticeable lifting effects.

Q: What is the downtime?

A: Downtime is relatively short, with most returning to daily activities the next day, though this can vary.

Q: When do the effects become apparent?

A: Immediate effects are noticeable post-treatment, with gradual collagen production enhancing the lift over time.


Does VOV Lift Truly Deliver Results?

The term “collagen regeneration” often surfaces in discussions about thread lifts. However, this process is essentially scar tissue formation. When the body heals wounds, hard tissue forms around them, composed of collagen. In thread lifts, this scarring process occurs around the threads inserted into subcutaneous tissues. Despite the impressive sound of “collagen regeneration,” the lifting effect from this scar tissue is minimal. The fine nature of the threads means that the resulting scar tissue lacks significant tension for lifting. Thus, the lifting effect of thread lifts lasts only as long as the thread remains unabsorbed. VOV Lift, using PCL, is said to be absorbed more slowly than other materials like PLLA or PDO, potentially extending its effectiveness. However, the fine threads imply a loss of tension within 3-6 months. My experience with Happy Lift, a similar absorbable thread lift, aligns with this, showing effects lasting up to six months.


Conclusion on VOV Lift

Initially, VOV Lift, utilizing PCL, was hailed for its longer-lasting technology compared to PLLA or PDO materials. However, similar to other absorbable threads, its effects diminish within a few months. Considering cost-effectiveness, I do not recommend VOV Lift. When considering cosmetic treatments, weighing the risks and results is crucial. Decisions should be made after careful consideration, not just on a whim.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.

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院長ブログトップ > Understanding the Effectiveness of Z Lift and Collagen Lift: A Journey Through Absorbable Thread Lifts

Understanding the Effectiveness of Z Lift and Collagen Lift: A Journey Through Absorbable Thread Lifts

What are Z Lift and Collagen Lift?

Z Lift and Collagen Lift are types of thread lifts that use absorbable threads, specifically designed for anti-aging treatments to improve skin sagging and wrinkles. Unique for their use of PLLA (Poly-L-lactic acid) and PLA (Polylactic Acid) threads, these lifts are also known under trademarks like “Happy Lift.” Let’s explore the specifics of these materials and the effects they offer.



About PLLA and PLA Material

In the medical field, PLLA and PLA are essentially considered the same substance. PLA stands for Polylactic Acid, commonly known as poly lactate in Japan. PLLA, a specific stereoisomer of PLA, is a biodegradable synthetic polymer widely used in medical applications.

Basic Characteristics of PLLA and PLA

●Biodegradability: PLLA naturally breaks down into water and carbon dioxide in the body.

●Biocompatibility: Safe for insertion into the body without toxicity.

Manufacturing and Structure of PLLA

PLLA is formed through the polymerization of L-lactic acid, often produced through microbial fermentation from common carbon sources. In the presence of heat and catalysts, it forms polymer chains.

Biological Properties of PLLA

●Collagen Stimulation: As it slowly degrades in the body, PLLA stimulates surrounding tissues to produce collagen.

●Medical Uses Outside of Cosmetic Treatments:

●Absorbable Sutures: PLLA and PLA are used for suturing wounds post-surgery.

●Orthopedics: Used in pins and plates for fracture treatment, they are absorbed slowly, eliminating the need for removal surgery.

Safety and Degradation Time of PLLA and PLA

The complete breakdown of PLLA and PLA can take months to years, varying significantly depending on the form inside the body. In the case of Z Lift and Collagen Lift, it’s said that the threads may dissolve within 3-6 months.



Role of PLLA and PLA in Z Lift and Collagen Lift

These biodegradable materials gradually break down in the body while stimulating collagen production. This process is believed to promote natural skin rejuvenation and lifting effects.


Structure of Z Lift and Collagen Lift

●Needles and Thread Structure in Z Lift: The needles are relatively thick (around 18G) with small projections on the threads for effective anchoring and lifting. Collagen Lift, similar to Shopping Lift, uses finer needles and lacks these projections.


Effects and Longevity of Z Lift and Collagen Lift

The immediate effects start showing post-treatment, with gradual improvements due to stimulated collagen production over time. The duration of these effects can last from several months up to a year, influenced by the material, individual body reactions, and lifestyle habits.

Safety and Side Effects

While generally considered safe, there are potential temporary side effects like bruising, swelling, and redness. Rarely, there might be risks of thread rejection or infection.

Comparing with Shopping Lift (PDO Thread Lift) PLLA and PLA threads, decomposing more slowly than PDO, are typically believed to be more effective than the shorter, projection-less threads used in Shopping Lift. However, the effect of Collagen Lift, which has a similar structure to Shopping Lift, is considered comparable.


Patient Feedback on Z Lift and Collagen Lift

●Satisfaction: Many report immediate effectiveness and tightening of the skin post-treatment, with continued improvement over time.

●Pain and Recovery: Experiences vary, with some feeling minimal discomfort and others experiencing pain. The recovery period is generally brief, allowing a quick return to daily activities.

●Longevity: Results, while temporary, usually last from several months to a year. Repeated treatments can prolong the effects.

●Side Effects and Complications: Swelling, bruising, and infection risks are relatively rare.

●Cost-Effectiveness: While many are satisfied with the results for the price, others feel the effects did not meet expectations.



Do Z Lift and Collagen Lift Really Work?

From an expert perspective, it can be asserted that collagen production through thread lifts does not significantly contribute to lifting effects. The effect of a thread lift should be considered only for the duration until the thread is absorbed. In Z Lift and Collagen Lift, the thinness of PLLA and PLA threads leads to their dissolution within 3-6 months, thus limiting the lift effect to this period. My experience with Happy Lift, a PLLA/PLA lift, also aligns with these observations, showing effects lasting up to six months.



Initially popular in Japan, PLLA/PLA lifts like Z Lift and Collagen Lift have become less favored due to the short-lived effects and the development of more effective thread lifts. When considering a thread lift, it’s crucial to prioritize whether absorbability or longevity is more important. Ultimately, the key to success lies in consulting with an experienced specialist and understanding that the choice of treatment depends on your specific priorities.

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院長ブログトップ > Exploring the Effects of Miracle Lift: A Non-Absorbable Thread Lift Developed in Korea

Exploring the Effects of Miracle Lift: A Non-Absorbable Thread Lift Developed in Korea

What is Miracle Lift?

Miracle Lift, a thread lift technique developed by Dr. Woo, a renowned South Korean cosmetic surgeon, stands out for its use of non-absorbable threads. It has garnered attention for its effectiveness and lasting results among various thread lift procedures. Let’s dive deeper into the technology behind Miracle Lift.


Structure of Miracle Lift

●Needle Thickness: The needles used in Miracle Lift are designed to be extremely fine, minimizing patient discomfort while ensuring precision and stability during insertion.

●About Polypropylene: This synthetic plastic, widely used in the medical field, is known for its durability and biocompatibility, being unlikely to cause allergic reactions and stable inside the body for extended periods.

●Thread Size and Length: Measuring around 40cm, these threads strike a balance between being inconspicuous under the skin and effectively performing the lift.

●Thread Structure: The Miracle Lift threads are designed with small projections and textures to effectively anchor into the skin, providing a more natural and lasting lift effect.


Procedure of Miracle Lift

①Counseling: Assessing the patient’s facial condition to determine the number and placement of threads needed.

②Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered, sometimes complemented with intravenous sedation to alleviate pain.

③Insertion: Special needles are used to insert the Miracle Lift threads under the skin, anchoring them to lift the skin.

④Securing: The threads are fixed with proper tension for effective lifting.

⑤Completion: The ends of the Miracle Lift threads are trimmed, concluding the procedure in about 30 to 60 minutes. Patients usually return to daily activities immediately, thanks to the minimal downtime.



Safety of Miracle Lift

The use of non-invasive methods and established polypropylene materials makes Miracle Lift relatively safe. However, the surgeon’s skill and experience significantly impact safety, so choosing a qualified and reputable doctor is crucial.


Principle of Miracle Lift

Miracle Lift works by inserting threads under the skin, with their projections gripping the subcutaneous tissue for lift. Over time, like all thread lifts, it stimulates collagen production, enhancing the lifting and skin-tightening effects.


Drawbacks and Failures of Miracle Lift

All procedures have their downsides. In Miracle Lift, the use of non-elastic threads can sometimes cause a sensation of tightness or discomfort. Unlike the Spring Thread recommended by the author, which is silicone-based and highly flexible, Miracle Lift might not be as comfortable. Some cases have reported visible threads under the skin or short-lived effects.


Downtime and Side Effects of Miracle Lift

Most cases see swelling and bruising subside within a week, with no severe long-term side effects reported. However, careful post-procedure care is needed as it can affect facial muscles.


Cost of Miracle Lift

The price varies based on the number of threads used, typically around 50,000 yen per thread. Clinics might offer package deals, so it’s advisable to consult first.


Patient Feedback on Miracle Lift

Many patients are satisfied with the immediate lifting effect and minimal recovery time. While discomfort varies, it’s generally mild and brief. However, opinions on long-term effects are mixed, with some reporting a return to pre-treatment state within three months.


Is Miracle Lift Truly Effective?

From an expert’s perspective, non-absorbable threads like those in Miracle Lift are expected to be more effective than absorbable ones. However, due to its structure where the thread loops back in the middle (similar to the previously used Happy Lift by the author), its position tends to descend over time due to gravity, reducing its effectiveness. Initially, the threads anchor in the fat layer, providing some lift, but this layer isn’t as stable as fascia and loses effect within months.



Initially popular in Japan, Miracle Lift has gradually become less favored due to its short-term effects and non-absorbable nature. Deciding between absorbable and non-absorbable threads, and prioritizing longevity, is crucial when considering a thread lift. Success heavily relies on the treatment being performed by an experienced doctor. Choosing a clinic with a solid track record is essential to avoid unnatural outcomes. However, be wary as many clinics now post edited before-and-after photos. Thorough consultation with a specialist and starting with counseling is the most critical step in this process.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.

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院長ブログトップ > What is Shopping Lift?

What is Shopping Lift?

Shopping Lift, formally known as PDO Thread Lift, has gained its nickname due to its accessibility and ease, much like shopping. This thread lift procedure, recognized for improving sagging skin and wrinkles, is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment. We’ll delve into the structure, procedure, safety, theory, and effectiveness of Shopping Lift in this article. It’s also known as Redefine Lift, Fine Lift, Ultra V Lift, and Power Lifting.

The Structure of Shopping Lift

In PDO Thread Lift or Shopping Lift, threads are placed inside needles. Needle Thickness The needles used are typically 27G or 30G, akin to those used for hyaluronic acid injections, thus being very thin. Consequently, needle marks are minimal, leading to little to no downtime. PDO Material The threads in Shopping Lift are made from PDO (Polydioxanone), a material commonly used for absorbable surgical sutures, known for its high safety. PDO is absorbed by the body over several months. Thread Thickness The PDO threads used in Shopping Lift are exceptionally thin, sized at 6-0 (about 0.07 mm) or 7-0 (about 0.05 mm), finer than human hair (approximately 0.1 mm). Thread Structure PDO threads in Shopping Lift are monofilament, which are smooth-surfaced, reducing tissue resistance and minimizing damage. They also have a lower risk of bacterial attachment and thus infection. However, these threads lack protrusions or hooks common in many other thread lifts.

Procedure of Shopping Lift

①Topical Anesthesia: Anesthesia cream or tape is applied to the treatment area to minimize pain.

②Marking: The exact lift points are marked, typically using 30 to 100 threads.

③Inserting the Threads: PDO threads are inserted under the skin, leaving the thread while removing the needle.

④Completion: The tiny needle holes heal naturally without any special treatment.

Safety of Shopping Lift

The monofilament structure of PDO threads used in Shopping Lift makes infection highly unlikely. Being completely absorbable, they pose little risk of long-term complications. The thinness of the needles (27G to 30G) also contributes to minimal downtime. Overall, the procedure is deemed very safe.

Theory Behind Shopping Lift

①Mechanical Lift and Thread Insertion: The physical lift effect of the inserted PDO threads is immediate, though minimal due to their fine size.

②Inflammatory Response and Healing: The insertion causes a mild inflammatory response, a normal part of healing, leading to tissue repair and enzyme release to break down the threads.

③Collagen Production: New collagen production, a key component of skin, is initiated, tightening the skin.

④Thread Breakdown: PDO threads gradually break down through hydrolysis, eventually exiting the body through natural excretory processes.

⑤Tissue Repair: Even after complete breakdown of the threads, collagen production and tissue repair continue, improving skin texture and maintaining lifting effects, potentially for around a year.

Does Shopping Lift Really Work?

From a doctor’s perspective, based on experience with over ten patients: Objective Effectiveness: There is negligible lifting effect. The fine threads lack the physical strength for significant lift, nor do they have structures to catch and lift the subcutaneous tissue. No substantial improvement in facial lines or contours was observed. Patient Feedback: Some patients felt temporary skin firmness due to swelling post-treatment, lasting about a month. A few noted a ‘moisturized’ feeling for up to three months. However, no long-term effects beyond a few months were reported, with some experiencing no noticeable results.


From a medical standpoint, Shopping Lift is not highly recommended for lifting sagging skin. It may improve skin texture for up to three months, but other treatments like Photo Silk Plus, Laser Toning, or Fractional Laser are preferable for skin texture improvement. They tend to be more effective and cost-efficient. While thread lifts like Shopping Lift are popular, their cost-effectiveness should be carefully considered. This article aims to serve as a guide in making an informed decision


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