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Exploring the Effects of Miracle Lift: A Non-Absorbable Thread Lift Developed in KoreaNULL


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Exploring the Effects of Miracle Lift: A Non-Absorbable Thread Lift Developed in Korea

What is Miracle Lift?

Miracle Lift, a thread lift technique developed by Dr. Woo, a renowned South Korean cosmetic surgeon, stands out for its use of non-absorbable threads. It has garnered attention for its effectiveness and lasting results among various thread lift procedures. Let’s dive deeper into the technology behind Miracle Lift.


Structure of Miracle Lift

●Needle Thickness: The needles used in Miracle Lift are designed to be extremely fine, minimizing patient discomfort while ensuring precision and stability during insertion.

●About Polypropylene: This synthetic plastic, widely used in the medical field, is known for its durability and biocompatibility, being unlikely to cause allergic reactions and stable inside the body for extended periods.

●Thread Size and Length: Measuring around 40cm, these threads strike a balance between being inconspicuous under the skin and effectively performing the lift.

●Thread Structure: The Miracle Lift threads are designed with small projections and textures to effectively anchor into the skin, providing a more natural and lasting lift effect.


Procedure of Miracle Lift

①Counseling: Assessing the patient’s facial condition to determine the number and placement of threads needed.

②Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered, sometimes complemented with intravenous sedation to alleviate pain.

③Insertion: Special needles are used to insert the Miracle Lift threads under the skin, anchoring them to lift the skin.

④Securing: The threads are fixed with proper tension for effective lifting.

⑤Completion: The ends of the Miracle Lift threads are trimmed, concluding the procedure in about 30 to 60 minutes. Patients usually return to daily activities immediately, thanks to the minimal downtime.



Safety of Miracle Lift

The use of non-invasive methods and established polypropylene materials makes Miracle Lift relatively safe. However, the surgeon’s skill and experience significantly impact safety, so choosing a qualified and reputable doctor is crucial.


Principle of Miracle Lift

Miracle Lift works by inserting threads under the skin, with their projections gripping the subcutaneous tissue for lift. Over time, like all thread lifts, it stimulates collagen production, enhancing the lifting and skin-tightening effects.


Drawbacks and Failures of Miracle Lift

All procedures have their downsides. In Miracle Lift, the use of non-elastic threads can sometimes cause a sensation of tightness or discomfort. Unlike the Spring Thread recommended by the author, which is silicone-based and highly flexible, Miracle Lift might not be as comfortable. Some cases have reported visible threads under the skin or short-lived effects.


Downtime and Side Effects of Miracle Lift

Most cases see swelling and bruising subside within a week, with no severe long-term side effects reported. However, careful post-procedure care is needed as it can affect facial muscles.


Cost of Miracle Lift

The price varies based on the number of threads used, typically around 50,000 yen per thread. Clinics might offer package deals, so it’s advisable to consult first.


Patient Feedback on Miracle Lift

Many patients are satisfied with the immediate lifting effect and minimal recovery time. While discomfort varies, it’s generally mild and brief. However, opinions on long-term effects are mixed, with some reporting a return to pre-treatment state within three months.


Is Miracle Lift Truly Effective?

From an expert’s perspective, non-absorbable threads like those in Miracle Lift are expected to be more effective than absorbable ones. However, due to its structure where the thread loops back in the middle (similar to the previously used Happy Lift by the author), its position tends to descend over time due to gravity, reducing its effectiveness. Initially, the threads anchor in the fat layer, providing some lift, but this layer isn’t as stable as fascia and loses effect within months.



Initially popular in Japan, Miracle Lift has gradually become less favored due to its short-term effects and non-absorbable nature. Deciding between absorbable and non-absorbable threads, and prioritizing longevity, is crucial when considering a thread lift. Success heavily relies on the treatment being performed by an experienced doctor. Choosing a clinic with a solid track record is essential to avoid unnatural outcomes. However, be wary as many clinics now post edited before-and-after photos. Thorough consultation with a specialist and starting with counseling is the most critical step in this process.


Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.



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