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  • Understanding the Effectiveness of Z Lift and Collagen Lift: A Journey Through Absorbable Thread Lifts

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Understanding the Effectiveness of Z Lift and Collagen Lift: A Journey Through Absorbable Thread LiftsNULL


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Understanding the Effectiveness of Z Lift and Collagen Lift: A Journey Through Absorbable Thread Lifts

What are Z Lift and Collagen Lift?

Z Lift and Collagen Lift are types of thread lifts that use absorbable threads, specifically designed for anti-aging treatments to improve skin sagging and wrinkles. Unique for their use of PLLA (Poly-L-lactic acid) and PLA (Polylactic Acid) threads, these lifts are also known under trademarks like “Happy Lift.” Let’s explore the specifics of these materials and the effects they offer.



About PLLA and PLA Material

In the medical field, PLLA and PLA are essentially considered the same substance. PLA stands for Polylactic Acid, commonly known as poly lactate in Japan. PLLA, a specific stereoisomer of PLA, is a biodegradable synthetic polymer widely used in medical applications.

Basic Characteristics of PLLA and PLA

●Biodegradability: PLLA naturally breaks down into water and carbon dioxide in the body.

●Biocompatibility: Safe for insertion into the body without toxicity.

Manufacturing and Structure of PLLA

PLLA is formed through the polymerization of L-lactic acid, often produced through microbial fermentation from common carbon sources. In the presence of heat and catalysts, it forms polymer chains.

Biological Properties of PLLA

●Collagen Stimulation: As it slowly degrades in the body, PLLA stimulates surrounding tissues to produce collagen.

●Medical Uses Outside of Cosmetic Treatments:

●Absorbable Sutures: PLLA and PLA are used for suturing wounds post-surgery.

●Orthopedics: Used in pins and plates for fracture treatment, they are absorbed slowly, eliminating the need for removal surgery.

Safety and Degradation Time of PLLA and PLA

The complete breakdown of PLLA and PLA can take months to years, varying significantly depending on the form inside the body. In the case of Z Lift and Collagen Lift, it’s said that the threads may dissolve within 3-6 months.



Role of PLLA and PLA in Z Lift and Collagen Lift

These biodegradable materials gradually break down in the body while stimulating collagen production. This process is believed to promote natural skin rejuvenation and lifting effects.


Structure of Z Lift and Collagen Lift

●Needles and Thread Structure in Z Lift: The needles are relatively thick (around 18G) with small projections on the threads for effective anchoring and lifting. Collagen Lift, similar to Shopping Lift, uses finer needles and lacks these projections.


Effects and Longevity of Z Lift and Collagen Lift

The immediate effects start showing post-treatment, with gradual improvements due to stimulated collagen production over time. The duration of these effects can last from several months up to a year, influenced by the material, individual body reactions, and lifestyle habits.

Safety and Side Effects

While generally considered safe, there are potential temporary side effects like bruising, swelling, and redness. Rarely, there might be risks of thread rejection or infection.

Comparing with Shopping Lift (PDO Thread Lift) PLLA and PLA threads, decomposing more slowly than PDO, are typically believed to be more effective than the shorter, projection-less threads used in Shopping Lift. However, the effect of Collagen Lift, which has a similar structure to Shopping Lift, is considered comparable.


Patient Feedback on Z Lift and Collagen Lift

●Satisfaction: Many report immediate effectiveness and tightening of the skin post-treatment, with continued improvement over time.

●Pain and Recovery: Experiences vary, with some feeling minimal discomfort and others experiencing pain. The recovery period is generally brief, allowing a quick return to daily activities.

●Longevity: Results, while temporary, usually last from several months to a year. Repeated treatments can prolong the effects.

●Side Effects and Complications: Swelling, bruising, and infection risks are relatively rare.

●Cost-Effectiveness: While many are satisfied with the results for the price, others feel the effects did not meet expectations.



Do Z Lift and Collagen Lift Really Work?

From an expert perspective, it can be asserted that collagen production through thread lifts does not significantly contribute to lifting effects. The effect of a thread lift should be considered only for the duration until the thread is absorbed. In Z Lift and Collagen Lift, the thinness of PLLA and PLA threads leads to their dissolution within 3-6 months, thus limiting the lift effect to this period. My experience with Happy Lift, a PLLA/PLA lift, also aligns with these observations, showing effects lasting up to six months.



Initially popular in Japan, PLLA/PLA lifts like Z Lift and Collagen Lift have become less favored due to the short-lived effects and the development of more effective thread lifts. When considering a thread lift, it’s crucial to prioritize whether absorbability or longevity is more important. Ultimately, the key to success lies in consulting with an experienced specialist and understanding that the choice of treatment depends on your specific priorities.



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