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院長ブログトップ > Factors that Intensify Body Odor from Bromhidrosis and Daily Countermeasures

Factors that Intensify Body Odor from Bromhidrosis and Daily Countermeasures

There are several factors that can intensify the odor associated with bromhidrosis. Understanding these factors can help us find ways to mitigate the smell in our daily lives. Below, we will delve into the causes of intensified body odor and propose some countermeasures.


Main Factors that Intensify Bromhidrosis Odor

①Increased Sympathetic Nerve Activity As mentioned in previous blogs, the fundamental cause of bromhidrosis lies in the apocrine sweat glands. These glands are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, specifically, the sympathetic nerves. Thus, when the sympathetic nerve activity is heightened, or dominates over the parasympathetic nerves that usually balance it, more apocrine sweat is produced, intensifying the bromhidrosis odor.

②Proliferation of Resident Bacteria Substances contained in apocrine sweat, such as N-acetyl-5-methylornithine, are broken down by resident skin bacteria like Corynebacterium, creating compounds like 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid. This compound is a major cause of the goat-like odor associated with bromhidrosis (as referred to in previous blogs). Resident bacteria proliferate under conditions of increased sebum, which can amplify bromhidrosis odor.

③Rise in Body Temperature An increase in body temperature activates both eccrine and apocrine sweat glands, leading to a stronger body odor.

④Clothing Issues Synthetic fibers, such as polyester, are known to promote the growth of microorganisms responsible for body odor. Furthermore, clothes made of synthetic fibers or garments with poor breathability can inhibit sweat evaporation, raising skin humidity and temperature. This creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth, potentially intensifying bromhidrosis odor.


Daily Countermeasures for Bromhidrosis

①Avoiding Dominance of Sympathetic Nerves Humans tend to have dominant sympathetic nerve activity under stress, fatigue, and lack of sleep. Finding ways to relax and ensuring adequate rest can prevent excessive activity of the sympathetic nerves, thereby reducing bromhidrosis odor. However, it is inevitable that body odor becomes apparent during tense moments due to the activation of sympathetic nerves. Nevertheless, promptly wiping your underarms with wet tissues can help in mitigating the intensity of the odor.

②Understanding the Times When Sebum Increases In women, the concentration of estrogen in the body decreases during premenstrual and menstrual periods, leading to an increase in sebum. Many women suffer from acne during this time, but the increased underarm sebum also creates an environment conducive for the proliferation of resident bacteria, intensifying bromhidrosis odor. Additionally, body temperature tends to rise during these periods, making the apocrine sweat glands more active. Wiping your underarms frequently during these times can help in controlling the odor.

③Choosing the Right Clothing Synthetic fibers, such as polyester, have a different surface structure compared to natural fibers, making them less absorbent of sweat and sebum. On the other hand, cotton (100% Cotton) is a natural fiber with high absorbency, quickly soaking up sweat and allowing it to evaporate, thus reducing odor accumulation. Wool, another natural fiber, is particularly known for its odor-resistant properties, especially merino wool. Bamboo also has antibacterial and absorbent properties, contributing to odor control. Choosing clothing made of natural fibers or those with antibacterial properties is crucial in managing bromhidrosis odor.



Understanding the causes of bromhidrosis odor and implementing appropriate daily countermeasures can significantly reduce this unpleasant smell. However, if these measures are insufficient, medical treatments such as Botox, miraDry, or surgery are available, and seeking professional medical advice is recommended.


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院長ブログトップ > Is Body Odor Inherited from Parents?

Is Body Odor Inherited from Parents?

Body odor, commonly referred to as B.O. or bromhidrosis or osmidrosis, is a prevalent concern. Many wonder to what extent the intensity and risk of this condition can be attributed to genetics.


Role of Genetics

A crucial gene in discussing the relationship between B.O. (osmidrosis) and genetics is ABCC11. This gene is involved in producing a specific compound, N-acetyl-5-methyloornithine, secreted by apocrine sweat glands. When certain bacteria on the skin, particularly from the Corynebacterium genus, break down this compound, they produce 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid, the primary cause of B.O.


ABCC11 Gene Variations and B.O.

Our bodies are governed by bundles of information called genes, acting as blueprints for specific traits and characteristics. Within these blueprints, small changes or variations, known as SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), exist. Regarding the ABCC11 gene, specific SNPs are associated with B.O., determining whether a person has dry or wet earwax, each type correlating with varying B.O. risks:

■Dry type (AA): Low risk of B.O.

■Wet type (GG): High risk of B.O.

■Intermediate type (GA): Moderate risk of B.O.

Numerous studies have validated the relationship between earwax type and B.O. risk.



Identifying Your Type

Think of it like blood types. While there are combinations like AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, and OO in ABO blood types, focus on AA, BB, and AB for this context.

If both parents are AA, following Mendel’s laws of inheritance, the child will undoubtedly be AA. Similarly, if both parents have the GG variant in the ABCC11 gene (wet type), their child will undoubtedly be GG. On the other hand, if both parents are AA (dry type), the child will not develop B.O.


Onset and Risk of B.O.

Individuals with the GA variant are at a higher risk of B.O. (osmidrosis) compared to AA, but lower than GG. However, this does not mean someone with GA has a B.O. intensity halfway between GG and AA. GA simply indicates a state of carrying two different variations, serving as a gauge for B.O. risk. Nonetheless, the incidence rate and intensity of B.O. are influenced by not just genetic factors but also environmental conditions, diet, lifestyle habits, hormonal fluctuations, and the balance of bacteria on the skin.


Geographical Variations in B.O.

Genetic studies have shown that the AA genotype is particularly common in East Asian regions, gradually decreasing from north to south and east to west. Specifically, the frequency of dry earwax (AA) is incredibly high among Chinese and Korean populations. This suggests that the AA genotype originated in Northeast Asia and later spread worldwide, implying that Chinese and Koreans are more likely to have a lower risk of B.O. (osmidrosis) . Although Chinese people are often said to be as sensitive to smells as Japanese, this could be related to the significantly lower prevalence of B.O. among the Chinese population.



If both parents have B.O. (osmidrosis) , there is a 100% chance their child will inherit the condition. However, the intensity of the odor is influenced by a myriad of factors, including genetics, environment, diet, lifestyle habits, hormonal fluctuations, and the balance of skin bacteria. If you are concerned about potentially having B.O., it is recommended to consult with a specialist, such as a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist.


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