
“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ②Could it beMilia?”

 In a previous blog post, I introduced you to syringomas. Today, we’ll be discussing milia.

Milia are small cysts that appear as tiny white lumps on the face or other parts of the body. Besides milia, other types of bumps that can form on the face include syringomas, sebaceous hyperplasia, and eccrine hidrocystomas. This article, however, focuses on milia.


(The image above shows multiple occurrences of milia around the eyes)



Milia are small white or yellowish cysts commonly found on the face, especially around the eyes, nose, and cheeks. They are also known as “milk spots” and can appear in individuals of all ages, including infants, children, and adults.


How Milia Develop

Milia form when epidermal keratinocytes don’t shed normally and become trapped in the deeper layers of the skin. This is due to abnormal turnover of skin cells or hair follicles, causing keratin to accumulate beneath the skin’s surface. Their content is primarily composed of keratin, a protein found in the outer layer of the skin.


Causes of Milia

While the exact causes of milia are not fully understood, several factors may contribute to their formation, including:

■Skin trauma: Burns, blisters, sunburn, and other skin injuries can sometimes lead to the development of milia.

■Usage of certain skincare products: Ingredients such as liquid paraffin, petroleum jelly, and lanolin in skincare and cosmetics might cause milia in some people.

■Genetic predisposition: There might be a genetic component to the development of milia, as they can run in families.


Frequency of Milia

Milia are a very common skin condition seen in people of all age groups. In newborns, they often appear on the face because their oil glands aren’t fully developed. In adults, external factors like sun exposure or skin trauma can also cause milia. Both men and women can develop milia, and there’s limited data on any specific age or gender predisposition, but generally, it’s a common condition regardless of gender.

Distinguishing Milia from Other Skin Conditions

■Milia: Tiny, hard white or yellowish cysts that mainly appear around the eyes, cheeks, and nose. They are not easily expressed when pressed.

■Syringomas: Transparent to pale yellow small bumps, 1-3mm in size, often appearing on eyelids or cheeks. They often occur in clusters, have a smooth surface, and are movable when pressed.


(The image above shows syringomas)

■Eccrine Hidrocystomas: Transparent to bluish-purple cysts filled with liquid, primarily appearing on the face. They tend to enlarge in hot conditions and shrink in cold environments, making their variability a distinguishing feature.

eccrine hidrocystoma

(The image above shows eccrine hidrocystomas)

■Sebaceous Hyperplasia: Small yellow to brownish bumps that primarily appear in the central facial area. They often occur in clusters, and a tiny central blood vessel may sometimes be seen.

sebaceous hyperplasia

(The image above shows sebaceous hyperplasia)


Treatment Options for Milia

■Observation: Small milia may resolve on their own, especially in infants where they typically disappear within a few weeks without treatment. However, in older children and adults, milia can persist for a longer period, causing discomfort or cosmetic concerns. In such cases, the following treatment options are available:

■Cryotherapy: Using liquid nitrogen to remove the milia.

■Extraction: Extracting the cyst contents using a needle or a CO2 laser.

■Agnes: Using a very fine needle to cauterize the contents. The advantage of Agnes is that it causes minimal damage and gradually reduces the size of milia.

■Retinoid cream: Promotes skin regeneration and may prevent the formation of milia.

■Chemical peels: Removes the top layer of the skin, promoting new skin growth, and can be effective for prevention.

■Other notes: While milia are harmless and often resolve with time, it’s recommended not to attempt removal at home to avoid risks of inflammation or infection. Always consult a professional.


Prevention and Self-Care for Milia

Although it may not be possible to entirely prevent milia, several self-care measures can help reduce their occurrence or recurrence:

■Gentle skincare routine: Avoiding rough or coarse skincare products that could irritate the skin and contribute to milia formation.

■Choose non-comedogenic products: Opt for skincare and makeup products less likely to clog pores.

■Sunscreen: Protecting your skin from excessive sun exposure, as sun damage can increase the risk of milia.



 While milia are harmless and don’t necessarily need removal, their appearance might cause cosmetic concerns for some individuals. If you’re considering removal, it’s recommended to consult an experienced dermatological surgeon.

Written by Kenta Motogami, M.D.

Director of Funabashi Chuou Clinic (Chiba Pref. Japan) ana Aoyama Celes Clinic (Tokyo)

English is available at these clinics.


【Related Articles】

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ①Could it be Syringoma?”

The Mysteries of Syringoma: Understanding Its Nature and the Innovative Treatment “Agnes”

“Bumps Around the Eyes: What Are They? ③Could it be Eccrine Hidrocystoma?”

Bumps on the face: What are these? Could it be Sebaceous Gland Hyperplasia?





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